Sunday, September 13, 2015


It is that time of day when the sun has set and night begins to fall.

The birds quiet and the crickets start to call.

Where reflection of what has passed

makes room for what will come.

Have a lovely week!

Hugs Debbie


  1. Hi Debbie,
    Such a beautiful post this evening... Is that a trumpet vine? They are lovely.

  2. Debbie, your photos are lovely, and this (dusk/sunset) is my favourite time of day! I love sunsets, cool temperatures for sleeping and I love hearing the crickets. :)

  3. Hi Debbie
    It is that time of year where it is that inbetween time isn't it - not quite the end of summer and almost autumn. There have been some lovely sunsets here although the weather is turning cooler. The garden has almost finished blooming although there are a few late roses that seem to like the cooler temperatures. I still have quite a few tomatoes that haven't ripened yet - I think I will have to bring them indoors to finish off. This morning is very grey and raining hard - time to start thinking of changing from T-shirts to sweaters I think. Your pictures have a real sense of tranquillity about them.

    Have a good week my friend.

  4. Have a lovely week dear Debbie. I live hard times but beauty of creation is always so sweet for my heart. Your pictures pay tribute to this great beauty!
    Warm hugs,Rita

  5. Debbie, that is a beautiful post. Have a wonderful new week.

  6. Good thoughts for the end of the day. I am always amazed at the beauty of your scenery. Great photos as always:)

  7. Hope you are enjoying this cool down early (hope it's not a sign of an early winter). Have a great week!

  8. Lovely photos-and've been on my mind lately-and in my prayers....

  9. Beautiful photos
    When it was really hot, the morning glories must have gone to the lake because they weren't blooming here. Lots of seed pods but no flowers until the other day when the temperature cooled down.
    Have a Happy Week!

  10. Dusk is one of my favorite times of day, and you've captured the feeling nicely with your words and photos. It's like a pause at the end of the day, before the activities of the evening begin.

  11. Your words and photography are very uplifting. Have a wonderful week!

  12. those morning glories are glowing such beautiful photos :)

  13. Beautiful photos and post, Debbie. Have a wonderful week!

  14. I love that time of day. It's the time when everything goes to sleep. Beautiful photos.

  15. Wishing you a lovely week too sweet Deb !

  16. Lovely post, Debbie! And the photos are absolutely beautiful!

  17. Debbie, I can feel a true heart full of love in you. You are truly full of God's love and abundance. Thanks for giving me something I can't even put into words this morning. A beautiful post and the light coming through those flowers? Amazing!

  18. These photos are like a sigh... so poignantly precious, these last days of summer :) Debbie, are you on Facebook? I saw some Deborah NOlans there, but wasn't sure if they were you?

  19. Once again, your posts always bring a sense of peace and reminders of the beauty and delightful things of this world. Thank you, Debbie!

  20. I was walking at dusk here tonight - watching the dull red streak of horizon cloud and the crescent moon already quite high. It is a magical time.
    Unfortunately I have no morning glories to admire.
    Thank you for the lovely post and enjoy your week, my friend.

  21. You've captured beautiful light in all three photos Debbie. Light is absolutely pouring out of those lovely flowers! I can hear the crickets - such a great sound!

  22. Beautiful scenes, Debbie! I can almost smell those rich late Summer scents.
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my latest efforts. I must try to figure out my camera, so I could post a video of how I work. I tried to video Bruno earlier this week and got nothing. Must be a way ... :)
    Kathryn XX

  23. Beautiful post. Nature is really such a beauty. Have a wonderful week too.

  24. Your beautiful poem and photos do capture that moment so well. Thank you Debbie! Wishing you a lovely week as well. ~ Diane

  25. Beautiful photos and prose, Debbie! Have a wonderful week.


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