Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sounds of August

July's sketch page
Yes the sounds of August are here.   The locust and Katydid have arrived.

They greeted me as July started its last hurrah!

  Even the Blue Moon got its welcome from them.

Garden Phlox,

colorful zinnias,

and golden sunflowers seem happy to hear their song.

I know I am.   How about you?

Have a blessed week!

Hugs Debbie


  1. Hi Debbie, your garden sketches are absolutely gorgeous - such a beautiful style to them! You flowers are looking so pretty and lush. Wondering what a Katydid is?
    I hope you had a great weekend!

  2. Lovely images to start off the new month, Debbie.! I hope it stay this lovely.

  3. Gorgeous flowers and your watercolor is beautiful (as always) I am trying to keep my flowers alive, the lawn is history at this point. Mainly trying to keep things damp around the houe for fire safety. We have had several fires on I-90. I feel so badly for the firemen in their gear in 100 degrees fighting those fires.

  4. Debbie, I absolutely love your beautiful sketches! Beautiful photos as well. :)

  5. Such lovely sketches, dear Debbie. I adored seeing the little bird as well as the flowers. Your artist eye carries into your photos. They are always so beautiful.
    Have a wonderful week.

  6. We don't have anything as exotic as your insects (not sure what Katydids are) but life hums along with the bees and butterflies - I got stung by something at the weekend which was painful and a large welt appeared on my underarm and it burned and fizzed - nasty!

    Loved your July sketches - the hollyhocks in my garden are amazing right now and you have captured yours beautifully on the page.

    The sun is shining beautifully this morning - hopefully this is a good omen for August.

  7. Loved your garden sketches. I too wonder what a Katydid is ?
    Nice to see different parts of your garden full of pretty flowers.

  8. Oh how gorgeous is your painting style, Debbie. I always love seeing your work. How do you find the time? Please impart your secrets! (I am itching to paint and between lack of time and lack of energy, it isn't happening!)

  9. Hi Debbie, yes it is August all right. Lovely photos. My zinnia haven't bloomed yet but if yours have, mine can't be far behind. They are surely getting tall. I subscribed to your blog by email and it worked, how wonderful is that? Enjoy your day.

  10. Hi Debbie! I can see you're having a lovely summer and your garden is still in full bloom. I've got a lot of catching up to do, as I was without a computer for about two months . A virus of sorts... So glad to visit your blog once again! Hugs

  11. I opened up your post and thought your sketches are so pretty. They remind me of a book I have by Edith Holden, The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. I am sure it isn't easy to find but if you ever do, I bet you would enjoy the illustrations and writing.

    Your flowers are lovely and I enjoy the idea of them listening to the sounds of August.

  12. Your sketch page is beautiful, and your flowers are, too. I just planted some zinnia seeds in my garden. I have no idea if they'll come up, but I had them on hand for some reason. Of course, we've had nothing but rain for a week, so they might have drowned!

  13. I love seeing your sketch book-I know you will look longingly at those summer pages during our long winters. I also love the summer sounds-we hear the katydids from our bedroom windows as well as out in the yard. We've got lots of them. Once Micah had a pet katydid for a little while-but as soon as we let it go, the bug got snatched up by a bird!

  14. What beautiful flowers Debbie! LOVE the sounds of August!

  15. Well, I got up this morning and felt a cool one; I could almost tell autumn is just around the corner.

  16. Lovely photos, Debbie. No signs of autumn here yet. We have another month of monsoon weather then the changes will begin. I always look forward to it. Your words and photos always remind me to take a good look and listen to my surroundings and appreciate what's there. Thank you!

  17. Your Sketchbook is turning into a real treasure. What a beautiful heirloom it will be!

  18. Beautiful, beautiful sketches, Debbie. How does your garden grow? You just answered my question. Great post!!

  19. Beautiful artwork Debbie! Can't believe it's August already! At least I am hearing the katydids and other insects singing. It does sound like summer! Have a wonderful month!

  20. Wonderful photos, Debbie! And I enjoyed a peek into your sketchbook - Beautiful work!!! You know me ... another four months like this would suit me just fine! :)
    Kathryn xx

  21. A lovely post Debbie full of flowers and joy. It is always a pleasure to pop over here to see what is happening in your part of the world. Enjoy your month. xx

  22. I love to follow your garden experiences, Debbie!

  23. i love the sounds that are so much a part of summer and was thinking the other day how i like the silence of winter and the busy insect noises of summer, both are perfect.
    Your July sketch page is so beautiful and the soft colors of the garden phlox are a favorite

  24. My zinnias died in the heat and the sunflowers are long spent :( Summers can be so cruel here without a drop of rain for weeks on end.

  25. Flowers are such a joy, especially the ones we grow, tend and love in our own gardens. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flower sketches and I hope that August brings you as much happiness as July did.

  26. Beautiful sketch page Debbie! A wonderful start to August~


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