Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Grabbing the Muse by the Throat"

Wendy Barrett's inspiring book "Grabbing the Muse by the Throat" arrived this week.   It was a delight to hear that I had won a copy.

The year is 2011 and Wendy has embarked on a creative journey.    It is a wonderful tale of overcoming procrastination, and generally focusing on accomplishing the things that matter in our lives.

Wendy generously shares her own personal tips on how to set realistic goals that will lead to success.  For all who struggle to find time to create this is a great read.

 I am always delighted to visit Wendy at her lovely blog.   She lives in Australia and many times she features her beautiful part of the world in her posts.  Hope any who have not visited her will take the time to stop over and say hello.  

The gorgeous card beside her book is a copy of one of Wendy's original paintings.  

Thank you dear friend for your wonderful gift .  I am so enjoying it.  

May all of you have a blessed week.

Got to go now.  Have some more reading to do.  

Hugs!  Debbie



  1. How exciting that you won!!! That should make your week even more fun! Enjoy!!

  2. Debbie, I am so happy for you that you won! Enjoy it! :)

  3. I knew the book would be good. Lucky you.
    I enjoy Wendy's blog and art very much so am happy you do too.
    . Have a great week.

  4. Goodness Debbie!! This sounds perfect for me!! Thank you for the tip!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Bonjour chère amie,

    Merci pour ce joli clin d'oeil... Wendy est une grande artiste...

    Gros bisous ♡

  7. How wonderful Debbie. Hmm,grab it by the throat huh? I never thought of that. LOL Maybe it's what I need to do but first I have to catch it. Enjoy your reading.

  8. Wonderful news on winning this book, Debbie!!! Enjoy!!!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful book--will check out her blog. Nice to get something fun in the mail!

  10. Debbie I am so thrilled that you are enjoying my book and really appreciate your kind words about it. You are very sweet!!
    Thanks too to your other commenters who have said very kind things!
    I hope you're having a great week!

  11. this sounds like a really fun book to read, and must have been fun for you to win it in a contest :)

  12. Bet you are going to love that book.

  13. Well done on winning the book. I am a great procrastinator I think I could do with a copy of that book for myself. Enjoy the rest of the week reading it.

  14. Hi Debbie I WANT TO check out her blog. Thanks for suggestING it. Love, Diana

  15. Sounds like a book that I need to read. Glad you're enjoying it.

  16. A book that I could use! I'll go visit her blog now.

  17. Sounds like a great book with valuable lessons - especially the one on procrastination. Please let us know what resonated with you.

  18. Hi Debbie! I have missed a few of your posts-I love the pictures of the doggies-they are beautiful. The book sounds like one I need!!!

  19. What a great title! :) I know O would be a huge procrastinator if it wasn't for the animals needing care, prodding me along.
    Kathryn xx

  20. How great that you won...happy reading!




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