Sunday, August 16, 2015

"Dog Days of Summer"

We are so glad you stopped to visit.   We've just been informed that these are the "Dog Days of Summer".   Why would that be?   Our preference is to have it much cooler.

Certainly our mistress doesn't seem to enjoy it.   She has been lamenting that the dry weather and the heat have caused all the lovely flowers to wilt.

 There are a few lilies and garden phlox left to make a show.

Woody Woodpecker has been spending more time in the shade.  He comes early in the day before the sun gets too hot or later towards evening.

The tomato horn worm decided the heat was too much and  left the garden.    His departure certainly was appreciated.

Madam Butterfly however doesn't seem to be in the least put out by the sticky temperatures.   She continues to enjoy her afternoon's fragrant feast.  

Well we hope you enjoyed your time here.   Please take a tip from us. Find a shady spot to rest during these "Dog Days of Summer".

Have a lovely week.

Hugs from all of us at Harmony Hills! 


  1. Debbie, it has been unbearably hot and humid here in Montreal over the last couple of days and it is supposed to be like this for another few days. I love when you share your sketches! They are always beautiful and bring me much do your posts and photos. It looks like the dogs have found a comfortable shady spot.

  2. Debbie,
    Looks as if everyone is suffering from this horrid heat.. It is almost 9pm and gage reads 92 on the porch... It hit 114 degrees this afternoon, and there is pretty much no shade to be had..
    Is that a butterfly bush with the beautiful white blooms?
    I love your watercolor... You have such a talent..
    Thank you for visiting and leaving such a kind note.

  3. My heart melts when I look at the dogs. What a handsome companion Shelby now has. They obviously get on so well.
    As always I enjoyed your photos and especially of your flowers.
    I did laugh about the tomatoes worms departure being appreciated.
    Hope the family member are all well.Love and blessings, dear Debbie.

  4. Debbie, absolutely beautiful!!! I love them all. Do you kne? I'm a crazy dog lover. Have a wonderful time at Harmony Hills. Best wishes, Sadami

  5. Lovely pictures Debbie, especially of your handsome canines! Thanks for showing the pic of the horn worm as I had never heard of it - sort of beautiful and ugly at the same time. glad it has gone now, probably turned into a beautiful creature. Like yours, my garden hasn't a lot left now We are having a mixture of rain and sun, thankfully a comfortable heat that doesn't have me running for shade.

    Have a lovely week my friend.

  6. I love how you appreciate nature and describe your daily findings. Certainly I learn from some of your pictures, new butterflies, new worms, whatever next. Enjoy your shade and your summer Debbie

  7. Puppies and paintings and nature...sigh...Beautiful, Debbie!!

  8. Your babies are posing for the camera!

    Heat in August seems to have its own special temperature doesn't it? Pretty soon we will be lamenting the colder weather:)

    Your surroundings are beautiful. Always happy to see the photos-thanks!

  9. Here in Holland the second day of continuous rain. We're having a remarkably cool summer here, with now and again a very hot day followed by thunderstorms.
    Thanks for your lovely photos!

  10. Hi Debbie, what a fun post from the dog's eye view. LOL Yes, my plants have withered too. I only got a few peppers and the tomatoes are still the size of grapes and just as green. My zinnias have not bloomed at all. I can't figure that one out. Take a tip from the boys and relax in the shade. Have a wonderful new week.

  11. Debbie, Your Shepards are surely two of the most beautiful in the World!
    Lovely photographs. Thank you for a great start for the week!

  12. It's all beautiful, but I must say those are gorgeous dogs.

  13. I'm with you, guys--I prefer it much cooler, too. It's terribly hot and humid here right now, and we're doing our best to stay inside. (I feel sorry for Tank who doesn't have that option.) Hang in there--autumn will be here soon!

  14. Wow, these are all great photos! I might have to draw that horn worm sometime, in one of my fantasy scenes!

  15. I always enjoy my time reading your posts, Debbie!! That tomato Horn worm blends right in with the leaves!!

  16. Bonjour chère amie,

    Ici aussi la chaleur intense pousse Sir Icarus à chercher les coins frais...
    J'aime l'ensemble de vos photos... L'été est une saison que j'aime particulièrement...
    Vos beaux toutous seraient des copains de jeux parfaits pour mon dalmatiens !

    Gros bisous à vous

  17. Would love to sit in the shade with your two big boys! So peaceful. Hope YOUR week is a wonderful one!

  18. What a sweet post. Hope it cools down a bit for you. We were lucky to have rain again yesterday and it's cooler now with a nice breeze.

  19. Here it cooled down after some much needed rain. It is a great idea to enjoy a shady spot! Hope you are having a nice week!!

  20. Gorgeous pics! Your watercolour is beautiful, the worm fascinating though strange - and your dogs, scrumptious!

  21. Love your post Debbie! Your flower painting is so delicate and pretty! Your dogs look like they found the perfect spot to cool off! Love your flowers and woodpecker. What a wonderful little creature your tomato horn worm is - full of character. It looks like it escaped from the pages of a children's picture book! Even though we had a lovely sunny winter's day here today it is still hard to imagine that you are dealing with summer right now.

  22. What a delightful post you have done. I must tell you that we had a few hours of rain last Friday. The dogs must have forgotten (no rain for 4 months) what rain was. They couldn't figure out what was falling on their heads. It was hilarious to watch. Sadly we have returned to hot weather again.

  23. so pretty all of it, i love your flower painting such pretty colors and your dogs just look so peaceful and happy under the tree.

  24. Lovely post, Debbie. Dogs and artwork - doesn't get any better than that!!

  25. Beautiful photos! I hope all of you are staying cool in the heat we are having. I alternate between being under the umbrella at the beach or floating around with my noodle in the pool. Stay shady!

  26. Hi you two. Obviously Debbie is having a rest in the shade. No wonder with all that heat you are having. Anyway tell her I dropped by to wish you all a nice day. Have fun and try to keep cool.

  27. I love that two cute dogs relaxing under the shade, they look really enjoying it. Also like your photos and your flower painting. Thank you for visiting my blog and sorry for not always dropping by here, sometime the situation does not allow me to do so even if I would like to. Have a nice weekend.

  28. Thanks so much for your visit, Debbie.
    I am so happy Jasper gave you a smile...
    Have a great week!

  29. Love the photo of your two dogs, Debbie! it looks like they are enjoying the dog days of summer. And your flower study is lovely!!

  30. Hi Debbie, now finally catching up with all you've been up to! Love your photos ... everything is so wonderful!


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