Sunday, July 5, 2015

July's Colors

Here at Harmony Hills the colors of July are making their debut.

Brilliant burgundies and peachy hues harmonize with subtle blue greens.

Buttercup yellows...

Soft pinks...

as well as brilliant oranges make this month's color wheel vibrate.

Oh and lets not forget lavender.  It is needed to complete the show.

Hope you enjoyed seeing July's palette of colors.  

"The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now...Your life will always be filled with challenges. "   Richard Carlson

Hugs Debbie



  1. Debbie, all the beautiful blooms in your pictures have long peaked and left. It is nice to have a reminder. Beautiful!

  2. A riot of color!! Love them all - especially the hollyhocks! Thanks, Debbie.

  3. Oh Debbie, such beautiful flowers.

  4. Debbie, how gorgeous! I have always loved lilies and these are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  5. Beautiful flowers.
    Lovely to browse through the posts I missed while away. Can't believe how much Schindler has grown. I particularly love the pic of him and Shelby together.

  6. What a beautiful variety of colour you have in your garden, I thought I might have seen a painting slipped in at the end ?? The hollyhocks look beautiful I didn't have any success with my seeds, I scattered loads and sowed lots in pots, & only one germinated. Lovely pictures. enjoy your garden.

  7. You have a beautiful selection of flowers and colours in your garden, really lovely.

  8. Very nice. Your garden is blooming great.

  9. How wonderful are those blooms, nothing best to delight in for the season!

  10. A wonderful quote and so true!

    What beautiful flowers you have. I just can't get over the fact that not that long ago, everything was buried in snow. What a miraculous environment you have there! Thank you for the beautiful pictures.


  11. i just love your garden so much, those colors are amazing

  12. You have such beautiful flowers. I love hollyhocks--my grandmother used to grow them in northern California. I think there are some varieties I can grow in Florida--I need to check them out. They are such happy flowers.

  13. Beautiful colors and flowers, my friend. Have a delightful week. Hugs!

  14. I'll just have to enjoy everyone else's gardens this year as the rain and deer have decimated mine.

  15. I love your garden, so many lovely colours! Hollyhocks in my urban surroundings do very well, I have to take my camera out soon.

  16. July in your garden is so beautiful. I feel privileged to see what colours your garden is rich in.

  17. What a show of color and shapes!!! Utterly breath-taking!

  18. Your artistry obviously extends into your yard, Debbie. And your quote? Perfect!!

  19. Lovely, lovely photos of the wonderful color surrounding you out there!!!

  20. Your garden is lovely! I sure miss those hollyhocks in my own garden. Just don't seem able to get them going in this yard for some reason. The colors together are so pretty, Wonderful Quote, so true! Have a terrific week in your gorgeous garden!

  21. What a lovely palette. I try not to complain but everything is looking sad and dry here, unless they're watered every day.

  22. Oh my gracious, Deb -- these images are DIVINE!! What a glorious garden - super capture ... hope your July is wonderful!

  23. Beautiful post, Debbie! I enjoyed seeing all those gorgeous photos - love the summer colors!
    I hope the summer goes wonderfully s..l..o..w..l..y for you :)
    Kathryn XX

  24. Debbie, thank you for sharing your lovely garden, truly an inspiration! Have a wonderful summer!

  25. Wow, beautiful flowers as always! Hope you might paint the hollyhocks. You remind me to plant some...

  26. Amazing floral beauty Debbie. I especially love the Hollyhocks. I planted some this year and they are coming up, but I doubt they get the chance to flower as beautifully as yours. Is Harmony Hills in Maryland?

  27. Hi Debbie, have just been catching up on your last few posts and enjoying seeing the beautiful changes to your garden as the months pass. Your garden is so stunning and you capture it all so beautifully with your camera.
    I particularly like the top photo with the gate tucked away picturesquely in the foliage. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  28. Oh and I imagine all the beautiful butterflies that enjoy visits to your gorgeous garden!!Truly inspiring!

  29. What a lovely post full of colour and flowers. Enjoy your summer Debbie. Take care. xx


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