Sunday, June 28, 2015

Unfinished Paintings and Dreams

Unfinished Painting
With a rainy weekend here I found myself going through a stack of unfinished paintings.

There is quite a pile unfortunately.   Some have been put aside because  inspiration or enthusiasm for the subject has waned.   Others are big oops but the backs can be used for practice.  
Then there are those that given a fresh perspective might become a finished work.

So it is sometimes with one's dreams.   There may be some that didn't get fulfilled because the desire was lost.  They were a passing fancy.  Possibly others didn't work out because they were not right for you.
Yet not all are lost.   There is always a dream or two that given the proper time and care could blossom into a beautiful reality.

Hope my friends yours will!  

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."  Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

God Bless Debbie


  1. Ooooh....I love to see your sketches and paintings, Debbie! Another gorgeous one.

  2. Interesting to hear your thoughts! Shows you never quite give up. Enjoy titivating your 'set aside' paintings. Have a lovely week

  3. Debbie, such a great post and so timely a reminder for me. I love this painting; the softness of the peaches are perfect and that brilliant butterfly sharpens the focus. The scripture is perfection and I need...really find my way into a church home.

  4. Love the colors of this painting. I know it will be more beautiful when you finally finish it. Thanks for citing Psalm 37:4. It is a great reminder. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Yes, sometimes dreams need adjusting as well. I love going through old of unfinished or rejected paintings. They give you the freedom to play with, without the pressure of producing something presentable. And once in a while a surprise will happen!

  6. I needed this post-your words are so true! I love your painting!

  7. Hi Debbie, such an inspiring post. It's wonderful. You really nailed it with your explanation. Enjoy your day.

  8. How true, Debbie. And even the unfinished paintings and dreams have value, because they have led us into who we are.

  9. What a beautiful, thoughtful post! Thank you, Debbie!
    Hope you finish that lovely painting...

  10. It is always interesting to read your take on things. Even your unfinished paintings are beautiful.

  11. Well said, Deb!!!! Hope your summer is wonderful!

  12. Sometimes it takes a break and some fresh eyes to look at something differently both in life and in our artwork. Funny that I was also working on some unfinished pieces, and a few new projects on our rainy day yesterday. Have a wonderful week and a great July 4th!

  13. Thank you, lovely reflections that I will use in regard to my own unfinished projects...

  14. I think we all go through the same thing - unfinished projects - half read books - but somehow we never get round to finishing them - if it doesn't look right, feel right - better to start something that holds your interest - hope you continue to be inspired

  15. Art and life-together (and similar) again!

    Hope you are well. And thank you for the psalm-very true and comforting.

  16. this painting looks perfect for summer, so pretty and i love the life inspiration you gained from looking back through old unfinished sketches and paintings.
    Hope your having a lovely summer

  17. Lovely thoughts! I hope you are having a grand week. Bonnie

  18. Your wip is beautiful, I love the subject! Love your thoughts on it as well, have a wonderful day!

  19. Beautiful words, Debbie, and so well put! Thank you for the recharging time and time again.

  20. Hi Debbie, I cut mine into bookmarks or little to you,Diana HAPPY 4TH,

  21. There is something special about your works Deb, always a sweetness to them and this is so pretty and summery ! xx

  22. Hi Debbie, What a timely post for me to read......yes, Dreams, a true take-on-life for unfinished desires or different reasons.......I have begun reading more blogs here in the last few weeks...thank you for visiting and commenting. Overall, I'm doing well.....keep me in your prayers and I will do the same for you. I am trying to visit more blogs but not commenting as often.....You are such a sweet and kind soul and it shows through your beautiful paintings~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

  23. Hola Debbie: Todos los trabajos son válidos, hay que pensar que cuando uno los hizo pasó un buen momento, siempre hay que estar contento con lo que uno realiza, Pues todas las opiniones son diversas depende de cada gusto. Esta pintura que muestras es muy bonita. Un abrazo!

  24. There is something very melancholy, yet poignantly sweet, about an unfinished painting... What did you decide to do with them?

  25. Hi, Debbie, thank you for sharing wonderful thoughts, art work and photos. In my eyes, your work looks gorgeous. It's hard to say when a work was finished or not. Listen to your heart like you pray. (I often pray when I do painting). Also, please be kind to yourself.
    Best wihses and hugs, Sadami


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