Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Winter Came

Yes winter came early.

It arrived Sunday night bringing a beautiful  wet snow and falling temperatures.

Each branch seemed like it had been coated with white icing.

For the past two days it has been frightfully cold but today the sun peaked out briefly.  

I even spotted some left over autumn.   Lets hope a reprieve is on its way!

Warmer days would be nice.   The calendar says winter is not to arrive until Dec. 21st.    Maybe there was a mistake!  Perhaps it will get fixed soon!

For those who are encountering winter early - stay warm!

Hugs Debbie


  1. Beautiful photos. Stay Warm!
    No snow here yet.

  2. Oh, lucky you! The drought goes on here in California...I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever end. Stay warm!



  3. Though we have had little more than a dusting I am loving the cold temps. Stay warm and safe!

  4. Winter is my favorite time of year to photograph nature..I never tire of looking at them...Your photo's are beautiful :)

  5. I didn't realize you had snow down there. I guess it got eclipsed by the snow in Buffalo. lol Lovely snow photos!

  6. I love to look at snow, but not necessarily to be in it :). Lovely pictures! It's quite cold here in Florida (which I am quite enjoying), though nothing like up north. Looks like a good opportunity to curl up under a blanket with a good book and cup of tea/coffee/cocoa.

  7. I love the winter and snow, Debbie. Your photos are so beautiful!

  8. Postcard pretty, but glad we don't get it that cold. think the Seasons are getting a bit muddled these days, we have had very hot days and it's not Summer here just yet

  9. Oh my Debbie - snow already! The only thing I like about snow is looking at it in pictures and yours are beautiful - it looks so cold I am shivering just thinking about it. It is still very mild here so far - thank goodness. Enjoy playing snowballs this weekend!

  10. They've been calling for similar here for days now...but not yet. We get the cold temps and we get snow but it doesn't accumulate. Supposed to be above freezing on Saturday. Prettier by you!

  11. Bitter cold here too Deb ... these are so beautiful ... I know snow can b mighty inconvenient and dangerous, but I so love that HUSH that falls when snow does... beautiful captures!!!! Stay warm!

  12. It looks beautiful in pictures but I hear it has been very treacherous, stay warm and safe Debbie!

  13. Oh brrrr, the winter sure is early in your place, Debbie. Beautiful pictures, but stay safe and warm!

  14. Lovely pictures , nice to see, but not for me just yet. I can see lots of baking & painting will be done, Stay warm.

  15. What a beautiful post, Debbie! lovely photos...and yes, I need Florida right now!!!

  16. you live in such a beautiful place, i just love these winter photos. stay warm!

  17. It looks beautiful, BUT ... I hope this very cold and snowy time is short-lived. Debbie, stay safe and warm!!!
    Kathryn XX

  18. Well Debbie, my calendar says winter starts Dec. 21 too but like Justice, Old Man Winter must be blindfolded too. Fortunately our inch has almost completely evaporated which is good. The windy is bitter cold though. I'm staying in as much as possible and taking Vitamin D..........LOL Enjoy your day!

  19. Debbie your photos of the snow are lovely! I do enjoy looking at it from "inside"! Our poor critters were caught off guard and the ducks were here for a couple of days even after the lake froze over. We gave everyone extra rations of food and finally when the weather cleared they headed south, I think they will have to fly a long way to find warmer weather!

  20. It is so pretty with a white landscape, magical, but it does seem like snow came awfully early, stay warm my friend !

  21. Oh BOY! - rather you than me but then you think of the poor souls in Buffalo and it puts it into perspective.
    The photos with the trees are stunning and may I use them for reference pics. We do not have trees like that here. 30 feet is a tall one here.
    Stay warm. Sending Hugs to help!

  22. Hola Debbie: Parece que llegó pronto el invierno!! Muy bonitas fotos. En la zona donde vivo nunca nevó, una sola vez perdidamente. A cuidarse del frío y este es un buen momento de quedarse junto al hogar, pintando y viendo nevar.
    Que te encuentres bien y un abrazo cálido!

  23. Oh my... it certainly did come early and plentiful too. Keep warm and safe. xx

  24. ...oh my that looks so chilly, snow is beautiful, an artists dream with how it gives the landscape a whole new perspective, quiet serenity, till yer fingies go so numb ya can't hold the paintbrush anymore, stay warm and happy ;)

  25. Yes we have had snow several times here in New England 32 today but with windchill Mr Weatherman say it feels more like 22 ~ He just predicted in the 60s for next week ~ we will take that !

  26. Wow, what amazing photos Debbie! Such a beautiful landscape but a shame it has come so early for you. I love the picture with the autumn leaf on the snow - explains the situation perfectly! Our weather is all over the place - one day hot the next day cold - not your kind of cold though of course!!

  27. Bonjour,

    Vos photos sont incroyables ! La neige a fait son apparition chez vous !...
    L'an dernier aussi, chez moi nous avions eu beaucoup de neige. Cette année il fait bon... Aujourd'hui nous avons déjeuné dehors !... Pour combien de temps ?...
    Gros bisous ☼

  28. Wow! That is some snow! Goodness, I hope you are staying warm:)

  29. Looking at how the winter has come from you I feel cold !!!
    Beautiful images that put the desire to be admired from a window of a warm house ... winter has this inner beauty ... warm hugs, Rita.


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