Sunday, November 16, 2014

Keeping a Thank You List

  I have been keeping a Thank you list.  It seems appropriate since Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

Writing down  things to be thankful for each day keeps me focused on blessings that I might miss.  Here are a few of mine today.

Being able to create...

  Having plenty to eat...

Finding beauty in something growing...

 and watching the sun set on another day.

Maybe you are keeping a list too.   Hope you will share.

"I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High."    Psalm 7:17 (NIV)

Hugs Debbie


  1. Wonderful post, Debbie, and I love your thank you list.

  2. Wonderful post. Thank you. This is how I'll begin my holidays, by making a thankful list. And I can begin with your blog being at the top. Have a wonderful week!

  3. It is a great habit Debbie! I will do the same, I have much to be grateful for, especially this year. Have a wonderful week and many hugs

    P,S. your leaf sketch is beautiful, looks like I can pick it off the page!

  4. At the moment I am thankful for honey and lemon throat sweets to ease my scratchy throat and an oncoming cold.

  5. Thank You Debbie...we should all be thankful for just our everyday lives, family friends, I could go on & on .
    Love your painting, I had to look twice, I thought it was a collage waiting to be painted

  6. I need to look up. Thank you for the reminder, Debbie.

  7. A simple post of lovely sights and objects:) Lots to be thankful for.

  8. Wonderful, Debbie. I am indeed keeping a list, and illustrating it with photos. Some of my things to be grateful for include: reading in bed before sleep, the taste of chocolate, the beauty of my horse, the fall season, and my riding boots!

  9. Thank you Debbie for this post. It reminds me to thank God for the blessings I got everyday. Your leaf sketch is beautiful. Love your sunset and the red leaves too. Have a good week.

  10. This is a lovely post, Debbie.....We have a "Thankful Tree"... where every year we write what we're thankful for on a piece of paper that is cut like a leaf and we hang it on our tree...

  11. I started a list after reading a wonderful life changing book called Simple Abundance by Sarah Breathnach. I drop off to sleep more easily when I add to my list. Thank you for reminding me to add to my list Debbie. Marion x

  12. Your watercolor is really good, didn't realize immediately it wasn't a photo ! I don't really make lists, but I often think at the end of the day about 5 good things that happened in the day . Sometimes even a bad day can hold 5 good things, and I try to focus on THEM . Hugs.

  13. Keeping a list of things to be thankful for is a great idea for this time of year! Thanks for the suggestion. Love the leaves and acorns...such a perfect autumn still life. Enjoy!

  14. Hola Debbie: Un dibujo magnifico parece real, y muy buenos todos los agradecimientos, la vida tiene más sabor reconfortandose en la cosas más pequeñas que esas llenan el corazón. Un abrazo !!!

  15. Debbie, I've been keeping a "Gratitude Journal" for years now. I try to write down at least five things every day, but sometimes the list goes on and on. There is so much to be grateful for if we are mindful of the little things as well as the big things.

    One of the things I'm grateful for today is seeing your beautiful painting of an oak leaf and acorns. At first glance, I thought they were real because of your excellent use of light and shadow. Thank you for sharing this painting!



  16. Dear Debbie, thank you for sharing a beautiful painting and gorgeous photos! Your posts always make us happy. Please keep up! Have a wonderful Thanks Giving time!!!
    Best wishesm Sadami

  17. Debbie-your painting is just beautiful.

  18. What a wonderful thing you are doing. I should probably make a list too. There are so many things I should be thankful for but instead I am always complaining that it is still too warm.

  19. Dear Debbie we do not have Thanksgiving and a little 'I'm sorry ... It' s always a good habit to be thankful for the gifts we have received and we have around as nature. Your artistic work is three-dimensional and impressive, well done.
    Have a good week in the harmony of your hills. Hugs and smiles,Rita.

  20. So nice...grateful for your post. I don't keep a list, but I incorporate lots of gratitude into my daily diary & into a lot of my journal postings.

  21. Lovely reminder to be grateful. Thank you.
    I think the leaf painting looks as if it was done with great appreciation for its simple beauty. Love the acorns too!

  22. LOVE these Deb ... and it's amazing how being grateful seems to grow the blessings we all have! Thank you for this reminder and sharing yours! YOU are one of our blessings! Hugs!

  23. Hi Debbie! Your aquarella looks so natural, almost a picture. Made with LOVE, I'm sure! :)
    I'm also grateful for so many things, big and small, the list is endless , But right now I'm just happy to see the sun come up and watch that first white snow trying real hard to cover up everything. And I don't have to go out this morning but I may just decide to go out for the fun of it. Have a good one, xx

  24. Debbie, thanks for checking in on my blog. I love your work and your warm spirit that shows through in your blog.

  25. LOVE your painting Debbie! I thought the leaf was real at first - the colours are perfect! We are so lucky to get such joy from nature and it's nice to be reminded to look for it!


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