Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I just learned a new word for zucchini.    Came across it through Elaine's blog at  Ramblings from Rosebank.  (  If you have not had the joy of visiting her lovely English garden - please do.  You are in for a real treat.)   She had mentioned courgettes in one of her posts.   When I had some time decided to research this word.  It is French for Zucchini or squash.

Also learned it is not a vegetable but  botanically a fruit.
They are something that grows every year in my garden. There are endless ways of preparing them.  Great fried or made into bread, cookies, and even cake.

  This zucchini relish has become a necessary item for the pantry.   Just finished canning some for winter.   My family loves it.   It is delicious on hot dogs/ burgers and even a bit in potato salad.

Zucchini/courgettes have such a mild flavor.  This makes them very versatile...shredded and put in pineapple juice - one can't tell it is not crushed pineapple.

Hungry for an apple dessert but no apples...peel it and slice it thin with cinnamon and brown sugar -place in a double crust and you have a great mock apple pie.

So whether it is called zucchini, courgettes or squash it is definitely a wonderful fruit to grow.
Just don't get too carried away like I have and plant more than a just may be eating it til you turn green. (LOL)!  

Well I think it is time to get out of the kitchen and back into the studio.   Hmm - maybe I should paint a couple of courgettes!!

Have a great day!  


  1. This is great! I always wondered what "courgettes" were. and now I know. Thank you, Debbie, for this timely post, as I have quite a few zucchini in my fridge, given to me by a neighbor.
    Kathryn XX

  2. Evening Debbie, I will be checking Ramblings from Rosebank out.....that zucchini relish sounds wonderful!! Is it easy to make? Seems like I have been coming upon FOOD on the blogs tonight...just left a green bean recipe! It's too late to be gettin' hungry! Have a wonderful weekend~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

  3. Great post Debbie! Thanks so much for the recipes.

  4. Thanks for the mention Debbie. I only have two courgette plants but they provide plenty of fruit - I was checking them out yesterday and spotted a 'lurker' in the undergrowth - it was huge - about 18" long - maybe I should just grow yellow ones that are easily spotted! I like the sound of the relish - will have to Google a recipe.

  5. They are called 'courgettes' in Holland too. Thanks for the recipes! I'll have a look at that blog you mentioned.

  6. Oh I do so love a well made zucchini bread!!

  7. I didn't know zucchini/courgette was a fruit. I learned something today! I do enjoy a good zucchini bread, and I've had them sliced thin and broiled with a little olive oil and that tastes good, too.

  8. Excellent post, Debbie!! Now I need to shop for veggies and Cook!! I love Zucchini bread and haven't had it for awhile!!

  9. Debbie, I am fighting grasshoppers and deer for the last of my garden this year. Make me so mad. A buck has been helping himself to my turkey's feed and then hops into my garden to feast on the last of my blackeyed peas. Doesn't do anything but look up at me when I approach. He and a doe jump up onto my deck to feast on the new tomato bed, eating the tomatoes and plant tips. I used a box of soap flakes and sprinkled them around the bed on top of the deck and it stained the deck which will now have to be painted. And, who knew grasshoppers could bite into tomatoes?

  10. Debbie, that relish looks so yummy!

  11. Debbie, that is so neat, my Dear! We keep learning all the time...I love that name for them (yes, paint some!)

  12. How I love les courgettes. In my next life I will be a gardener of vegetables (I guess in this case, fruit!) In Maine people joke about how you have to lock your car doors in zucchini season because gardeners are always trying to give them away to their neighbors (something like that *smile*)

  13. I love zucchini bread!! Ours are just now starting to come in. Oh Debbie I love your drawings and paintings.

  14. I remember the word courgettes from the French markets when we were there. I have had the mock apple pie, but not zucchini relish. It is one of my favorite veggies. Enjoy!

  15. Toasted Zucchini bread is one of my all time favorite things to eat. My mother made the mock apple pie just like you described it. I have not, but I can get apples all the time and I guess back in the day, she could not.
    Good post!

  16. I love it too-we love it grilled after soaking it in a vinegar oil seasoned marinade. I think they are beautiful fruits-so I'm sure they'd make a good still life.

  17. Always a joy to visit Deb. My zucchini have been very slow this year -- mighty unusual! But the tomatoes -- lots!! Oh maybe next year will be a zucchini year. Love the painting and your comments! Hugs!

  18. I like your comment about courgettes! I can imagine your garden full of those big happy vegetables or fruits as you call them. Here, only two zucchinis showed up! Where's the rest? :(
    Usually, I add them to salads and of course the zucchini bread is a must every year. As you can see, I'm putting a lot, baking pies and preparing prune and blueberry jams. But I'll try that relish , found an interesting recipe on internet. Take care Debbie, hugs

  19. HI Debbie, I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much so I decided to take some time tonight and visit. Love your paintings, they are delightful. I love to collect feathers too. I'm painting zucchini now!! ha ha.. they are fun all the stripes. sending you love and a hug,Diana


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