Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August's Farewell

It is time for August's farewell.   The sunflowers have come to say goodbye.   They are bravely holding onto their sunny disposition.

The cosmos have started to wave.  They will be here when September makes its arrival.

The morning glory vines are clamoring over everything.  They do not want to miss these last moments of August's passing.

The freshly picked tomatoes know this warm month is almost over.   They too will be sad to see it go.

As for me I am trying to record some of this months treasures before they are at their end.

Hope all of you are preparing your farewell and enjoying these last moments of August.
Have a great day.   God Bless!


  1. Lovely sketches and photos of the last of summer. This month flew by so quickly! I had better hit the farmstands and get some summer corn and tomatoes before they are gone. Enjoy and thanks for sharing your treasures.

  2. I am certainly enjoying your lovely sketches and photos, dear Debbie! Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Where did August go I wonder - it has just flown by - in fact the whole year seems to have passed in the blink of an eye. Sadly my sunflowers didn't survive the slugs and snails this year - they didn't leave me with a single one - I so miss their cheery faces in the garden - next year I will have to be more vigilant to make sure they survive. But, thank goodness for Cosmos which the slugs don't bother with - they just keep going and going. We have had one or two lovely days of sunshine interspersed with rainy days - but at least it saves having to drag the hose out every evening. Enjoy the rest of the week - and keep up the good work in your sketchbook!

  4. Must be we were all having fun for time to fly by.
    July went by too fast, landing August too soon to be here, and now too soon to leave.

  5. Your sketches are always so pretty, Debbie. I'm so glad we're heading to the end of summer. Been super hot and humid here these past few weeks. I always love the cooler weather of autumn!

  6. What a lovely post. I hope you enjoy the last of August's long days, and there's no better way than by sketching some of the beauty of it, as you're doing.

  7. Your sketches are great Debbie - so delicate, detailed and pretty! Great photos too! Those tomatoes look luscious! It looks like you are really making the most of the last few days of summer. Will write at length soon!

  8. Debbie, this is a lovely tribute to the tail-end of summer. I must admit, I am NOT ready to let it go!
    PS - love your sketch of the clover and cosmos.
    Kathryn XX

  9. Lovely post. I hate to see the months fly by but there is no stopping time.

  10. Seems like summer just started! Where has it gone!! I'm grateful for every warm day though and hope they continue well into the fall!

  11. It's so lovely to be able to stop & to really take in the moment of this wonderful season, to appreciate the wonders. Yes, recording is such a nice way of doing this.

  12. ooh i love your garden sketches. I am enjoying these last days of summer here it's been lovely and mostly mild.
    I love how tall your cosmos are, so pretty

  13. I love seeing your garden. I love your sketch book too. I miss Fall in the Midwest (grew up in MN) and I always loved Fall picnics and all the vibrant colors. Not so much here. I guess that is why I planted so many Japanese maples. They really put on a show.

  14. Those morning glories do have a certain persistent charm, albeit a might overwhelming sometimes. It is good to record all the last bits and pieces of our ending summer with pencil in hand. I miss the flowers already.

  15. I love the photos of the flowers, and the photo of the tomatoes are making my mouth water! Great sketches...



  16. The sunflowers... yes, a true testament to late summer. Those are truly an incredible plant, aren't they? And you've captured them so beautifully, as well as all the other special treasures the month has to offer. I think I'll be glad though, to say goodbye to august. September will bring the hint of fall, and that's a special month too! Thanks for the sweet moments from your camera's eye and yours, Debbie!

  17. Lovely---I must do the same with capturing some flowers. It will be like opening a can of something from summer-to see those drawings in the dead of winter...Love you!

  18. There is a sweetness in these images and in your words that moves me and makes me feel these beautiful hills of harmony, as if I, for magic, I could be there for a moment, dear Debbie.

  19. Amazing sketches, Debbie!!! it's so hard to believe August is almost sad but the beautiful Autumn will be here to replace it. To me, the saddest time will be when my koi's start to hibernate in the cold weather ..then
    I know Winter will be here soon because I won't see them until next Spring!!

  20. lOVELY words and images and painting ... Can't believe the summer is already past .. fall is well on its way .. and soon we'll be in winter coats and singing holiday songs! Whew!

  21. Lovely post about these last days of August, Debbie! I love your photos of your daily life. Great sketches!


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