Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Spring in the Heart

With autumn making its final call...

spring is starting to beckon.

Planting bulbs this past week end had me dreaming of those little jewels that will blossom after winter's demise.

Warm yellows and cool purples make me wistful for those early harbingers that mark the season of renewal.   They bring such cheer.

So as autumn slides into winter I will keep some spring in my heart.   Hope you do too!    Have a wonderful day.


  1. These are lovely, Debbie! It is great to keep Spring in one's heart.

  2. Beautiful work
    Thank you!
    Crocus bulbs need to be planted. I forgot until I read your post.

  3. This is the first time in years I haven't planted at least 100 bulbs. I keep hoping that those previously planted will be fruitful and multiply and save me all that digging!

  4. Will be looking forward to seeing pictures of those bulbs you planted for the Spring!! I know they will be beautiful! Autumn is my favorite time of year but Spring is right there by it.......I agree, there is something about seeing those "first" Spring flowers push their little heads out of the ground........We will just keep PUSHING this Winter right along, won't we?!! Blessings~~~Roxie

  5. I am actually going to plant spring bulbs today, so I can totally relate to what you say, let's keep on dreaming :-) Your watercolor is so pretty and with fresh Spring colors .

  6. Beautiful watercolor! It will be a feast for the senses come spring at Harmony Hills.

  7. Your paintings are always so pretty, so beautiful, and show such a soft and delicate touch. I think your heart is the same way and I do so appreciate your friendship, Debbie. Me? I keep autumn in my heart, and even the winter too. And spring...I must say, I'm not a summer fan though. Too hot, too humid, to buggy for me.

  8. Lovely paintings. When the little flowers start sprouting we will know the growth cycle is starting again. Until then I will enjoy the color we have now before the trees lose their leaves. Enjoy the day!

  9. Such pretty paintings Debbie and your post reminds me that I need to plant some bulbs too, I think my favorite part of spring is when the bulbs start coming up.

  10. Debbie, I think you've got a ways to go? but it's nice to dream isn't it?
    Love your little painting, and it will remind you. BJ

  11. Such a pretty painting. Strangely, the weather has been so warm for November here in the UK that primroses have started blooming here in my garden. I hope they won't wear themselves out for the Spring!

  12. Love your yellows and purples Debbie, the weather here is jumping from spring back to winter every other day

  13. Spring is always in my hear but after it comes the season that I dread the most.

  14. Love these yellow flowers, the painting is very beautiful. Wish you a lovely day.

  15. Beautiful work, my friend. You really need to compile these and publish a book!

  16. Beautiful painting, Debbie! Come on, Spring!!!!!!

  17. Lovely work Debbie! I'm glad I planted my tulip bulbs too because it's getting real cold. Do you mind telling me what kind of aquarella paper you use?

  18. Lovely painting! Looking forward to seeing the bulbs produce their beautiful blooms. Until then, we have your gorgeous painting.

  19. What a lovely water color. Yes I love seeing signs of spring and look forward to it- when I get really sick of winter :) Hope your having a wonderful weekend.


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