Sunday, November 3, 2013

November's Palette

The colors that make up November's palette may be more subdued than October's.   Not quite as vibrant but very warm and inviting. They are your earth tones...

 Burnt sienna...

            Yellow Ocher...

Brown Madder...

Raw Sienna.  

They lack the brilliance of bright yellows and deep reds but they make November's visit very special.  

Hope you take some time to enjoy this month's palette.   Have a great day!






  1. Debbie, you are so right. Though they've lost their vibrant colors they are still lovely. And, the speckled leaves look like nature did a watercolor painting and splattered some paint around for good measure. I hope you've had a lovely weekend.

  2. We are having some brilliantly beautiful colors this autumn here in IL. I was marveling at them yesterday enroute to IHOP for breakfast with the kids.

  3. WOW, Deb .. AWESOME colors!! ! LOVE IT!

  4. I love November as it is now, and later with the bare trees. So pretty with the sun shine added.

  5. Yes, I love all of autumns colors and your photos capture it so well, it's nice to notice the subtle differences between October and Novembers colors.

  6. How lucky we are to have the seasons so we can use a different palette. Lovely photos

  7. A great week to you
    I'll look now at the landscape with more color names.

  8. It's still a beautiful palette. Here we usually just get the brown madder :(

  9. Have spent a few minutes reading your lovely posts Debbie and am now following!! Love the sketches one btw!! Thank you so much for the wonderful comment you left on my blog.... really appreciated!!

  10. Thanks for sharing this lovely palette that we have in nature in November. Enjoy you day!

  11. Great colors. It is with those colors why I love autumn. Thank you for sharing this nature's colors. God bless

  12. Even though the colors start to become less bright, it is still a pleasure to stroll through the woods or countryside to admire the decline . Have a nice day .

  13. Such beautiful photos, Debbie, and such a pleasure to look at them. Thank you for posting them!



  14. Your photos are gorgeous, Debbie.
    Although we are in the southwest we still have a full change of seasons.
    At the moment we have a lovely range of golds with the cottonwoods still with all their leaves
    and when the sun hits them they appear to glow like they are illuminated from within.
    Thank you for your lovely comment and blessing.

  15. Wow, Debbie, Beautiful Photos!..... I am starting to love Fall, and all the shades. thanks for sharing your lovely photography, and scenery.

  16. Beautiful pictures and post! The season is different here but I love the goldenness of it all. Have a great week, Debbie!

  17. You're so 'right on' Deb!!! Why is it that now we describe everything in paint colors???? LOLOL Wonderful imagery and captures!

  18. I love the colors of November! Don't forget that slate blue sky. Wonderful photos!


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