Sunday, October 20, 2013

Favorite Hymn

 A favorite hymn of mine is "It is Well with My Soul".   The words were penned by a man who lost his four children at sea.   At the very spot where their ship wrecked, he wrote these following words.

When peace like a river attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
"It is well, it is well with my soul."
                   Horatio G Spafford

"It is well               with my soul,
               It is well                     with my soul,

It is well, it is well with my soul.

                                    Dear Friends - wishing that all is well with your soul today!  Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon.


  1. Thank you, Debbie, for that awesome reminder that it truly is well with our souls if we know Jesus! I love that song, too, and your post made me stop for a moment and sing it!!

  2. Thank you Debbie. Hope your Sunday was restful and that you will have a wonderful week.

  3. So very apt for me today....Yes it is well with my soul, well with my soul. We always have to give blessings for what we have in the face of adversity....not ponder and focus on what we have not. Have a lovely Sunday, Debbie.

  4. Dear Debbie,
    Hope that everything is also well with you. Thank you for the message. God bless

  5. I love that hymn as well, Debbie! Your photos are lovely.

  6. Debbie, I do love that song too. I also love "How Great Thou Art." Back in Massachusetts I started attending a Nazarene church when I was getting a divorce from my first husband. My second husband was happy to attend with me even though he wasn't practicing any specific religion. We attended there until we moved here to Maine and this place is so beautiful it is like the whole of outdoors is my church now. These songs come to mind often and I still feel so close to God when I meditate on them. Thanks so much for bringing this one to mind for me today. Blessings to you and yours.

  7. How lovely ~ and yes indeed, all is well with my soul today :)

  8. Yes, a beautiful song, and one worth remembering. Thanks for the message. Have a great week. Bonnie

  9. Yes, it is well with my soul! I enjoyed a wonderful 3 day conference in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg Tenn. with my church sisters! The Lords presence was awesome! I am renewed....spirit, mind, and body! Blessings and Jesus is coming soon! Roxie

  10. I love how you always find the beauty and gift in each day, Debbie.

  11. Thank you very much dear Debbie, yes, everything is well with my soul, hope the same for you :-) Have a nice start of the week.

  12. Beautiful message, Debbie. I always love your post and enjoy your pictures! Have a great week!

  13. A Even as a child, my favorite part of attending church was singing the hymns. This one is so very beautiful and heart-rending; knowing the story behind it makes it all the more priceless. Autumn peace to you!

  14. Lovely message. I hope your Sunday was great and that today was special too.

  15. How heartbreaking - to lose not one but four children. Knowing and trusting in our Lord would be the only way to survive that. Even so...we lost a son in an accident and without faith I would have gone mad.
    Wish I knew the music to this to see if I recognized it.

  16. Dear Debbie, thank you for the lovely post and photos. Your drawings are also very charming. Keep up your wonderful work and share your discovered beauty in a world. God bless you.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  17. Oh Debbie, I remember that song well. Sadly, it isn't used as much these days. Thank you for sharing the heartbreaking story behind the song. It all makes sense now.

  18. I LOVE this hymn, though one can sense the heartache underpinning it so strongly; we sing it quite frequently at our traditional Methodist service. The poor man and his wife actually endured other tragedies as well besides the loss of their young daughters :( But it reminds us of our Christian hope and peace which keep us pressing on till we can be in that place where there is no more pain or sadness. I trust all is well with your soul, dear friend. Your paintings are beautiful *hugs*

  19. What a beautiful hymn, thank you for sharing it with us.


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