Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Discovery

In doing some fall chores I made a discovery. Hidden beneath a pile of books was this unused planner.  

It seemed like a shame to toss it.   The cover was in excellent condition.   Pages were clean and inviting.

Perhaps it might provide...

a new place to play...

to collect some painting ideas...

or harbor some small works of art.

Wonder what else might be hiding that needs discovered.   This may be a good reason to keep cleaning!   Have a beautiful day.        



  1. Beautiful, Debbie, I can't think of a nicer use for the planner!

  2. Beautiful paintings, Debbie. I love it when I make finds like've inspired me to do some Autumn cleaning, lol.



  3. A Planner! What a wonderful find! And it inspired you to do some lovely sketches for some paintings you might be planning.

  4. I too hate throwing away an empty pocket diary I meant to use but never did.Love you lovely little paintings.. What a brilliant idea. so I'll be joining you sketching in the one I have.

  5. Your sketches are delightful Debbie! Wonderful use for an old planner. I should do some cleaning myself, thanks for the reminder.

  6. Oh how fun!! Debbie your watercolor style is just exquisite. I wish I could do half as well.

  7. All in all, a great discovery! You've got imagination Debbie and this is just the thing to be happy with. I'm afraid of what I could find in my closets......LOL

  8. what a wonderful discovery and you thought of a great use for it :)

  9. Gorgeous little drawings. I love finding my old planners and reading my scribbles from that time.

  10. You are absolutely right dear Deb, if you knew how many unused planners I have thrown out , damn ! I specially love the flower you made ! xx

  11. Looks like you've found a treasure. :)

  12. Hi, Debbie, very beautiful findings. Time stays in them. From these findings, may you find more precious things onward.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  13. It sure makes 'cleaning' worthwhile on top of a fresh smelling house!! LOL Love these discoveries!!

  14. A beautiful day planner - so glad you didn't let it go to waste but are making it even more beautiful with your artwork!!

  15. AND PLAY YOU DID. Beautiful work. I see lots of Fall colors.

  16. How lovely Debbie. It is quite trendy here in the UK to paint on old lined journal paper. I wonder how the weight of the paper was with watercolour. Though your little paintings look perfect so you obviously had no trouble. Glad you are enjoying your journal with your watercolours. :-)

  17. What a nice find! And lovely paintings! Thank you for your comment on my blog, so I could find your blog as well. A great find it is! :)

  18. What a nice idea for the unused planner. Love those beautiful small paintings. Have a lovely weekend Debbie.

  19. If it wasn't worthy of your attention before it certainly is now. What a treasure this is becoming in your hands. Have a fun weekend sketching.

  20. What a neat idea! Your paintings are once again beautiful! A find that has turned into a treasure. Enjoy!

  21. Beautiful paintings dear friend. Been thinking of you and praying too. Much love-Debra

  22. oh yes! Definitely a place for small art - fill her up and show us the results, please :)

  23. Perfect, the best destination that you could give your old planner, fill it with dreams rather than obligations.
    Wish we could do the same every year.


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