Wednesday, April 24, 2013


There are many types of journals one can keep.   There are some that record the happenings of the day.   Others may contain your dreams, and thoughts.    Whether  private or shared they are a wonderful way of marking the passage of time.       
Over the years I have kept a variety.   When I was young there were those that were locked with a key.   They are gone now lost somewhere in the past.
In  high school one of the English courses required students to keep a daily journal.   It too is no more.
What has been kept and stored are my prayer journals.   They are filed away in a safe place.   Over twenty years I have written down daily prayers.   They are important to me...words not only of praise and joy but also concerns...personal and for others.   When I look back over these pages they encourage me.  They show me how God works.  
 Certainly there have been requests that have gone unmet.  Questions that may never be answered on this side of life.  
Who will read these prayers when I am gone remains a mystery.  Perhaps within the pages there may be a word, a thought, or even an answer for someone else seeking Him.  
For now though they are a recording of a life's journey.   

                                     Thank you for stopping by.   Have a blessed evening !


  1. I used to keep journals religiously as a child and all through university, then I got all busy with work and things, and stopped. Now I guess the blog is a sort of journal, especially of my walk with God. It's great to look back on past entries and remember God's goodness and faithfulness! I love that narcissus painting -- I would so frame it and put it up in my room :)

  2. I started a prayer journal last year and a gratitude journal although I need to be more consistent with them. I love your paintings they are so pretty!.

  3. As much as I love to write, I've never been good at keeping journals. In fact, I find that when I go back and re-read them, I embarrass myself! But I sure enjoy the bits of journals my artist friends share on their blogs. Your own included!

  4. Beautiful image and thoughts my friend!!! I LOVE journals of all kinds and must get back to keeping one ...

  5. Beautiful painting.....
    I keep many journals-one of them contains the dreams God has given me. They are very beautiful-don't have them too often-but I know I'd forget them if I didn't write them down. I love it that you write down your prayers-that's beautiful.

  6. Wonderful post, Debbie

    I keep classroom journals as reference. They are fun for me to read.

  7. So beautiful Debbie and inspiring.. I could add my prayers to my sketchbook.. combine them.. that would be great. Thank you for inspiring me! love to you,Diana

  8. I love your sketchbook page with all of the spring flowers, and a prayer journal sounds like such a beautiful idea (and it's great that you have been able to save all of them). I do some written journals that I start and stop, but keeping a sketchbook has come to be one of my favorite things.

  9. Your paintings are so beautiful. This really was a touching post.

  10. The only journals I keep nowadays Debbie are full of my watercolours nowadays. I also sometimes wonder what will become of those too. Love your flower and nest painting. Cute for spring. :-)

  11. What a wonderful way to keep a journal. I have tried several times, but haven't succeeded yet.
    I am not a great writer, so that might be the problem ; ) I would love to journal though, well maybe someday...
    Have a great day.

  12. I never thought of a prayer journal. That sounds to intimate and personal. I've kept all sort of journals over the years. They are mostly filled with my scribblings.

  13. Hi Debbie, what a beautiful and inspiring post. And your header photo is breathtaking!

  14. Your garden journal is lovely! I'm sure your journals will be treasured by someone else many years from now when you are gone. My mother wrote countless journals and I have read them and felt a real closeness to her that I am very grateful for now that she is gone. So I think you are right, I think yours will be a great blessing to whoever is lucky enough to possess your journals.

  15. I remember the journal when I was growing up that had a key, it seemed so important then to have these locked away private thoughts. I have not keep a journal as an adult but I now consider my blog as a modern day journal as I am writing about my life but not keeping it private as it is shared

  16. I enjoyed your post. I also keep journals...I have a doodle journal and a personal written journal and a doodle prayer journal.I also am keeping a journal about my new art ventures, few that they are. I am lax with them but I have not given up on them. I wonder in this technological age if we are the last of the written journal keepers...I hope not.

  17. Wonderful post, very moving. Journaling is such an amazing personal experience.

  18. hi debbie,
    what a lovely and inspiring post,
    have a nice sunday,
    blessings regina

  19. I only kept a journal until my early 20's, it would be lovely to find them one day, but I fear they are no more. I could learn so much about myself. Now if I have a good day or especially when things are tough I write down my thoughts, it clears my mind and helps me along. I know someone is reading them.

  20. I plan to keep my Art Journal going, but I haven't sketched, or written in it for a long time. Thank you for reminding me....I will get it out and keep it close. I love your idea of a prayer journal, too. I hadn't thought of doing that, but I think I would like to incorporate prayers into my sketch journal. It would be wonderful to look back and see all of the answered prayers, or have someone read them someday. Thank you for the inspiration!


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