Sunday, February 11, 2024

"New Things"

 Sometimes new things can be scary.  Call it my age or the fear of change that makes the "new" bring angst.  Recently I had to purchase another phone because my old was not keeping a charge.  I felt comfortable with the one I was using.  Certainly didn't want to have to replace it.  In today's world though, we all have to stay connected.  Hmm makes me wonder how twenty five years ago one land line was all that was required for the average family.  Now everyone including the kids need their own personal device. 

Since I'm far from techie the challenge of setting up a new phone made me quite anxious.   Bless the young folks at the public library. 

They helped get it working.  (Let us "oldies" appreciate this new upcoming generation - they just may be our life - line to living in the 21st century!) 

I would much rather walk through these brambles than to figure out how to dump a contact list from one phone to another. 

Keeping to the same thought, have been procrastinating in buying a new computer.  Yesterday with hubby's help made another new plunge.   We are finally getting Windows 11 (been stuck with 7 and have managed to miss all the updated ones in between.)  Here again someone younger is getting us all set up.  He is a tech at the store and his expertise came with the package deal.  Hooray! 

Along with this new computer, high speed internet is being installed in our home this week.  The young man who is doing the job assured us that he will show us how to connect all our technical equipment once he has completed his work.  So thankful for all those younger people who are willing to come along side those of us who at times need "new things". 

Speaking of "new" have discovered a canvas called "Yes" that works with all media including watercolor.  A bit different that painting on paper but am enjoying working on this type of surface.  

Well hope you will share anything new in your lives that may be a bit scary! 

Have a blessed week. 

Hugs Debbie

                                                                                     "See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare, before they spring into being I announce them to you."  Isaiah 42:9 (NIV)   


  1. I like your painting/sketch on the new surface. I will have to try that! I had to get a new phone recently. I dislike having to use Apps for everything and updating them all the time. I'm finally getting used to the phone. Enjoy your new high tech items. Hugs.

  2. Hope you get everything to working! Kids today definitely are in the know!

  3. I feel like we share a similar angst about this 21st century stuff. I am ever grateful for the generation that came after us who grew up in the BC era (Before Computers and Internet and smartphones). My two nephews have kept me from running to ground many times. Hopefully you can relax now and enjoy painting on your new "Yes" canvas. Take care, Debbie. xo

  4. I am driving a new vehicle. In the dark it looked different and I didn’t know how to get it in drive. My 12 year old granddaughter helped me. Thank heavens for the young ones.

  5. So glad to return to blogs to see what my artist friends have been doing - and glad we did not get the snow predicted for us…just some rain and it’s a pretty day today. Hope you are having a good day, too. Will catch up on your posts soon as I am out of commission (threw my back out somehow and it usually takes a few days to get right again).

  6. Sorry, Debbie, that was me as Anonymous - hadn’t signed in yet, I guess!

  7. congrats for the new phone dear Debbie
    i agree new phones are hard to understand for people like us from little old time
    how nice your hubby helped you to got it right and how amazing to being able to see your art on yes canvas :)
    more love peace health and happiness to you and family

  8. That's right, I remember when my children were little, we have always liked to go to the mountains, in my province there are 5 natural parks and we spent there on weekends, there were no telephones, only a booth that from there was a call to say that the trip had gone well, now everything has changed a lot, Well, enjoy that new paper and paint with whatever medium it is, but let's paint.
    Have a great week.

  9. This happened to me: new phone and new computer. So I know exactly what you're going through! I got used to the phone quickly, but Windows 11 is still a struggle. Wish you a great week and happy painting!

  10. I feel the same way about changing phones and technology in general. It's great...until it's not, and then we're practically helpless. I think once you get everything updated you'll be happy with the changes, but I do sympathize with the overwhelm.

    My newest new thing is my Garmin fitness watch. Trying to encourage better health habits and learning more about the quality of my sleep, my stress levels, etc. I did not find it intuitive, but I'm slowly figuring it out.

    How cool that someone at the library was able to help with your phone.

  11. I think a lot of us feel that way about change, especially when related to technology. I recently had to get a new modem. Of course they don't send a person to help do this, but instead "guide" you through the process. It took one hour the first day and two hours the second day. And now my wireless printer won't work. Glad you are lucky enough to have someone come and help out with your "new things." Enjoy them and enjoy your week!


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