Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 Like many of you with the start of a new year I have been making plans.  For myself it seems to work best writing down what is a priority for the coming months.

Sketching and painting is close to the top of the list.

Hoping to get a few paintings finished and ready to frame.  Also considering rejoining the art center that is located in our area.  At one time belonged and participated with other local artists.  Due to family illness and needing to spend time with loved ones it was necessary to step away.  Now there is an empty space.  Thinking becoming involved again might be nice.  (Will keep you posted on that plan).   

Of course each year I make a commitment to read at least twenty four new books.   By the looks of  this stack - am on my way to meeting that goal.

 Naturally hubby and I are planning together to spend lots of time with Kelsey.  She is our faithful companion.   In the spring we hope to find her a new playmate.  Stay tune for updates.  

Well there are other plans on the traveling, trying a new way to grow a vegetable patch and of course a few home fix ups.  At this time though my biggest goal is to finish off these last Christmas cookies.  

Am looking forward to reading all of your plans for 2024.

Thank you for stopping by to visit.



"But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands."  Isaiah 32:8 (NIV)


  1. Oh! Your sketches are beautiful!
    If I committed to 24 books, I'd never get anything else done! Lolol
    Kelsey is gorgeous...we spend almost all of our time with our furrbabies. And, those cookies look yummy...I know I froze some of ours, but I can't find them! Thinking Larry beat me to them! lol

  2. Good decision. Being around other artists can be very uplifting. Have fund whatever you decide. Kelsey looks sad. I know winter may not be the best time for a puppy, but consider it.
    24 books! That is amazing. I think I will join you.

  3. Debbie, those cookies sure do look good. It's wonderful that you will continue to sketch and paint. It's nice that you read so much. My brother-in-law was just telling me that my other brother-in-law reads all the time, many books in a week. That would be terrific if Kelsey had a playmate.

    I hope the new year brings much goodness your way.


  4. your art is awesome wow ,loved each of your art Debbie !!!
    best of luck for new resolutions my friend ,they are lovely and i am sure you will be able to achieve them very easily .your quote from holy book says it so beautifully as well :)
    health peace and joy to you and loved ones!

  5. Debbie, it is good to see what some of your plans are for 2024. I think rejoining the art center is a good idea. It is always nice to get together with other creative people. Each time you post books you are planning to read, I jot down the titles and then look for them on my library's digital catalog. I do a lot of reading and if I find an author I like I tend to read most of the author's other books. So thank you for some new selections. Wishing you success with your plans. Happy 2024!

  6. Love your paintings and sketches! Good plan to join an art group!

  7. I love your plans for the year, especially the last one :-) Your drawings and paintings are beautiful, as always.

  8. Your art is beautiful! I'm going to enlarge the photos so I can have a better look. I was thinking of visiting the local art center here too. I really need to meet more artists around here. Happy New Year to you and Kelsey and Hubby.

  9. How lovely it is to make plans for the year. I especially love the last one :) I enjoy seeing your art, and hope you do get to spend more time with it in the coming year.

  10. You live a beautiful life...I could feel the togetherness of you and your husband and your dog...You are is so sweet and lovely. The art group sounds like it's moving into your life again.~~Rita.~~ It won't let me publish a comment as Sketchbook Wandering.


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Break Time

(Kelsey is taking a break)  It is break time.   End of summer and beginning of autumn calls for a little rest.  Will be back in a couple of ...