Sunday, April 18, 2021

Daffodil Tour

For many years our county would sponsor a daffodil tour during the month of April.  Folks would meet at a designated place and pick up a map.  They then were able to travel at their own pace along scenic country roads.

There were historical places to stop and visit... spots of fun activities for old and well as refreshments being served.  It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon .  

Unfortunately it was one of those annual events that came and went ... not sure why, but I miss it.

Today I am sharing a little daffodil tour of mine for all those of you who love these spring flowers.

Over the years there have been so many new varieties offered.  The pink cups are one of my favorites.

Love these frilly centers...

and this orange one really catches attention...

and are not these wee white ones sweet?


As you can see the daffodils are one of those flowers that is easy to grow and never disappoints.  Once they are planted in the fall spring blooms are almost guaranteed.  It takes a fairly heavy freeze to keep them from giving a show.

Well I hope friends you enjoyed the daffodil tour.  I certainly enjoyed sharing it with you.

Have a blessed week.

Hugs Debbie

"Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed."  Genesis 2:8 (NIV)


  1. Wow, gorgeous. I’ve never seen any except yellow daffodils. The white and pink is so spring like! Thanks for sharing this spring garden of beauties.

  2. Beautiful flowers. The tour sounds lovely, a nice spring event.

  3. Beautiful daffodils! Love the pink cups! Love your new bloglook as well!

  4. How can you not love Spring flowers , and daffodils are a big favorite ! Thanks for the tour.

  5. Those daffodils with the pink cups are beautiful. I've never seen them
    like that before. I'm sure you miss the daffodil tour, Debbie. I really miss
    some of the heritage festivals that I used to go to where I used to live.
    But I'm trying to find new activities and events to go to here. I didn't realize
    daffodils were that sturdy and can last through the harsh weather.

    Have a wonderful week, Debbie.


  6. I didn't know there were so many different varieties of daffodils. I am only familiar with the more common ones.

  7. Debbie, thank you so much for the daffodil tour. These are lovely. I think I've seen most of them, but the white and pink one was new to me. Our local arboretum has a lawn that has a huge assortment of them that come up every year. I've enjoyed seeing them. Have a wonderful week and enjoy the beauty we are seeing lately.

  8. I loved the daffodil tour. Such a pretty flower and a great excuse to drive around "flower spotting" :)

  9. Debbie, they are so amazing! Thanks for all the pics.

  10. Lovely post and it made me more curious where in northern Mn. does the bloom start coming out. Need a live look at the earth bringing forth beauty. This year has been hard for so many. We made a major move in May of last year from Ca. to northern Mn. and their winters lived up to the word brutal. Like I said, ready for some color beauty. Thanks for the pictures. Blessing.

  11. What beautiful flowers. I've been painting the flowers around our house too. I hope to somehow capture their beauty.

  12. I really like these initiatives, taking advantage of the seasons, the beauty of flowers, any theme to unite around people, neighborhood cities.
    Happy weekend.
    Best regards.


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