Sunday, July 26, 2020

July's Finish

Well sweet friends this week marks July's finish.

This month has brought us breathtaking sunsets...

delightful daylilies
fragrant phlox...

abundant squash and zucchini... 

plenty of green beans to snap...

and delicious Lodi apples for sauce and baking.

As July winds down and makes its final finish this week - hoping that all of you are enjoying a lovely end of the month.

See you in August - God willing.


"I have fought the good fight.  I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  2 Tim. 4:7 (NIV)


  1. Gorgeous sky! Your garden is really producing. You must be busy with all the canning and weeding, etc. Are you as dry there as us? Whew! It's very hot too!

  2. All lovely photographs, but those skies are just full of beautiful colour.

    All the best Jan

  3. Beautiful photos! I can't believe we are nearly in August. This year has disappeared so quickly. I hope that August brings us lots of wonder and beauty to enjoy. Have a great week, my friend!

  4. Love the photos Debbie!!! That sky is beautiful and to think August is upon us is so hard to believe!!! This pandemic took a lot from us!!! Enjoy your day!!!

  5. Lovely photos... a nice wrap up of July's beauty and bounty. Happy day!

  6. Breathtaking, delightful, fragrant, delicious...You experience life in these ways...Truly spiritual and wonderful...

  7. Very beautiful those sunsets, spectacular always, as for the rest, appetizing everything, for someone who does not put problems to almost anything at lunchtime, everything is good for me.

  8. Debbie, the sunsets in your area are beautiful. The pink and purple skies are so pretty. Your squash and zucchini made me smile, as my dad always planted those in his garden, and my mom would make them for supper. I bet you made a lot of wonderful things with those apples. I love apple desserts, especially in Fall. Yes, July is winding down, and can you believe August is here? May the August days bring you much joy. Your posts are always so peaceful and hopeful, Debbie.


  9. Gorgeous sunsets! See you in August!

  10. What breath-taking sunsets. Sunset is my favourite time of the day as it means it is time for rest.

  11. what good things to end the month with! Those apples look amazing... are they off your own trees? Now I have a hankerin for apple pie!
    Blessings to you friend...

  12. This week brought us some rain. As you say a wonderful way to end the month. Love your pictures. I have a volunteer zucchini and the rabbits think it is there for far that is so. I hope they get tired of eating them and we will get a couple. It is so fun to find a volunteer come peeking out of a flower bed where I have spread compost. ha...

  13. July passing so quickly didn't feel fast during the weeks of hot sun and lugging water to the plants.
    Happy August!

  14. Most beautiful...words , photos and tribute to Jule...stay well❤❤

  15. Your posts are always soothing to the soul. Thank you! Hugs!

  16. so many wonderful goodies from your garden and an absolutely beautiful sunset pic...thanks for always sharing such beauty with us...Hugs and hope you have a lovely weekend !

  17. Stunning sunset, and looks like you're enjoying many simple pleasures in July. Here's hoping August is just as lovely.


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