Sunday, July 12, 2020

Doubt & Fear

Whenever moments of doubt and fear come (and I am certain most of us have experienced those moments)...

I take a walk outdoors and "Look-Up".

There one can see the hand of the Creator.  The magnificence of the heavens never fails to bring peace.

So if right now your hearts are a bit doubtful and full of fear...take a moment with me and "Look Up".
The one who created this beauty is more than able to bring us safely through our worse storms.

God Bless - Have a beautiful week and keep "Looking Up".



"Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  "You of little faith, he said, "why did you doubt?"  And when they climbed into the boat the wind died down."  Matt. 14:31-32  


  1. Oh Debbie, I have a tear in my eyes. I needed this very much, as I'm dealing with a difficult neighbor. I thank you for your sweet and special words and especially for the Matthew verse.....and for being YOU. Your photos of the sunrise/sunset are beautiful. They remind me of your profile picture on your side bar. You sure do have lovely skies in your area. Tomorrow when I go out of the house, I will try to remember to "look up." : )


  2. Beautiful words, Debbie, to match those lovely photos.

  3. Beautiful words
    I call fear and doubts the Dreads. They hang over me even in my sleep, as foreboding tonnage something bad will happen.
    Prayer does help

  4. Lovely photos and thoughts, Debbie.

  5. Great photos and inspiring words. Thanks for sharing and have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  6. The only way to look is up... Have a great week Debbie.

  7. Beautiful words. Beautiful photos. Looking Up is the only way to walk through troubles.

  8. Such beautiful skies and words.

  9. How I love his, dear sister. I needed to read this.
    Here is it raining.
    What tells rain you? (spiritual)

  10. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    Un petit billet rempli d'optimisme... Les photos de ces cieux sont une pure merveille ! La vie nous réserve des moments parfois difficiles mais il faut s'accrocher...
    Gros bisous à toi et bel été.

  11. Debbie, what a wonderful and comforting post! When you look up and see the majesty of the sky you can't help but be reassured that we are in God's hands. Have a wonderful week free of doubt and fear.

  12. A timely reminder. I know many people who are discourage these days and we must remember Who is always on His throne.

    Gorgeous photos!

  13. Dear Debbie, you always post beautiful images and words. Lovely. How is your life? Please stay safe. I always think of you and pray for you. Best wishes, ((Hugs)), Sadami

  14. How beautiful the universe is made by God ..., every day the sky always presents a different spectacular view.

    Greetings from Indonesia.

  15. ps.....thank you for your prayer for my neighbor situation, Debbie. I appreciate that very much. Have a restful weekend.


  16. That's right, doubt and fear are united, we are human, we just have to look up and see the majesty of nature and our smallness produces that precisely.
    Happy weekend.

  17. Looking up always helps me when I feel down.. Thank you for such a powerful post. The photos are amazing, Debbie.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. Debbie, I love your heart so filled with wonder and faith. You are a gift to those who come. Blessings always my friend.
    Your 'look up' is special. It is exactly like this on my long driveway walks that I come close to our Saviour. Looking up at His majesty and splendor painted each day differently reminds me moment by moment of His presence and His remembering us. I gain strength to go on knowing we can do all things through Him, our forever faithful One.
    Shalom dear one.


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