Sunday, April 26, 2020

Prisoner of Hope

As these pink azaleas begin to bloom I find myself a prisoner of hope.  They remind me that spring comes each year and therefore they will continue to don their blossoms...

the violets as well...

the dogwood too.

Yes there may be many changes in the world that we are finding hard to accept.  Still there is comfort to be found in what remains the same - such as these three signs that spring has arrived.

Keep the fires of Hope burning this week. 



"Return to your fortress O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you."  Zechariah 9:12 (niv) 


  1. I've always loved that Scripture-it's so beautiful. God and His Word do not change, I'm so thankful for that.

  2. Beautiful. Thank you for this uplifting post, Debbie! 🌸

  3. Beautiful photos and words
    A nice cheer up on an rainy day forecast.
    Have a Splendid Week!

  4. You always seem to comfort us in these difficult times. This is my favorite season when all the flowers are in bloom. I wish I can grow azaleas....they don't like me. lol..... Enjoy the rest of the day...

  5. Thank you for this message of hope, Debbie!

  6. Oh Yes, Spring will always arrive, and it looks like it has come to your area, Debbie. The pink azaleas are so pretty, and I remember them well, as we used to have a big bush in front of our old house. The verse you shared today is very special, and just right for these times.


    *wanted to answer your question.....Yes, our state is slowly planning on opening soon, but not the schools. As for me, I don't think I will go into these businesses or restaurants for awhile though. ; )

  7. Lovely flowers an d lovely words. I wish you a wonderful week dear Debbie.

  8. There are many of us prisoners of hope. I like the way you tied in Jechariah. Have a great week.

  9. So pretty, Debbie! Thank you for another perfect post. "Prisoner of Hope" is the perfect title.

  10. Lovely to see what is the same in nature to comfort us when so much else is out of our control. It is nice to know that the virus hasn't stopped everything and if we just have hope things will unfold as planned. Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  11. That is a beautiful verse, one that I don't remember reading before. And, your post is beautiful. Don't you love spring flowers. The pink azalea looks like the wild azaleas that grow here. We have one in the yard. It was one of the first plants to bloom.

  12. Yes, good to know and reassuring that some things stay the same . xox

  13. Thank you for this beautiful respite from the norm.. No azaleas here. The bible is here though so I went looking for Zechariah. I cannot remember this one so it did me good to renew. Blessings my friend. Please continue stay safe.

  14. Yes, thank goodness for wonderful spring! Even though our Florida spring has been strange to say the least, I've really enjoyed looking at other people's spring photos, and I've enjoyed seeing baby sandhill cranes in my subdivision.

  15. I love the dogwood son much. Especially around Easter time. We may be prisoners of the body and of sin, but praise God, a day is coming when we will be eternally free.

  16. Debbie, there is a calm comfort in your post...Simplicity and grace...and yes, Hope...The first peek of crimson color appeared on my azalea today...This bud doesn't know the complications of our world...


I love reading your comments. Thanks for leaving one.


Seeing this lovely violet patch blooming reminded me that I had been wanting to gather a few.   Many years ago I had candied some to decorat...