Sunday, January 13, 2019

Winter's Peace

There is a certain peace that comes with winter.

A quiet calm settles all around.

Last season's reminders even appear at rest.

Bare branches are adorned in simple white.

The daily visitors are peaceful as they wait their turn.

Even this busy one seems to know it is time to slow down and be still.

Sweet friends wishing you a blessed peace-filled week.

Hugs Debbie

"A heart at peace gives life to the body..."  Prov. 14:30 a (NIV)


  1. A peaceful week to you Debbie
    Prayers the government shut down ends

    1. Maywyn - visited your blog and it looks like winter is bringing you some peaceful pondering moments.

  2. I completely agree that winter is a time of peace. I suppose that is why I love it so much. Wishing you a peaceful week.

    1. Thank you Loree - I am hoping you are getting a bit of cool weather on your lovely island. Hugs!

  3. Hola Debbie: Bellas imágenes en donde se comprueba que el invierno es un período de tranquilidad y paz, abrigados por el calor de los leños encendidos. Deseo una buena temporada invernal. Saludos!!!

    1. Thank you Mercedes. If I am right you are in summer while we are in winter. Take care and have a super day.

  4. Oh it certainly is and this post depicts it perfectly.
    Winter is my favorite season of all, though I love them all for their very own beautiful gifts from God. Each season is glorious and life during those seasons is all so versitile, isnt it?
    I enjoy the quietness of winter,especially when I'm outside on my daily walks..
    God in His glory ~

  5. Found you through Hopalong Hollow Gazette

    1. Judi - tried visiting you...are you going to be keeping a blog? Hope so. Have a wonderful day and thanks for hopping over here from Jeri's. Always delighted to have a new visitor.

  6. Wonderful peaceful post, Debbie! No snow here, but I hope for a peaceful week! And the same to you!

    1. Thanks Judy...I think we are going to have quite a bit more snow in the coming week - would be happy to send you some. :)!! Hugs

  7. A blanket of snow always does seem to tuck in the area with a warmth and peacefulness of winter.

    1. Lisa - I am sure you are receiving some as well. If not by the weekend it sounds like many of us may have several inches. Take care and have a super day.

  8. We have snow blanketing us as well. It creates a certain kind of silence you don't hear anywhere else. Is this the view from your house? Beautiful!

    1. Dear Cathy - we are hearing more is on the way. Yes this is our back field where I take daily walks. Thanks for visiting me. Have a blessed day.

  9. GORGEOUS snow ----!!! Stay warm!

  10. Stunning photos! It look so serene. How do the dogs like the snow? I don't think mine would know what to make of it - I'm hoping we get a little this year.

    Best wishes.

  11. You are finding your word for this year all around you-that's such a gift! Beautiful photos too..

  12. Beautiful photos, Debbie! I agree that sometimes these gray skies and snow covered landscapes do create a quiet peace. Would you believe that even the Sonoran Desert had snow this season? Two days of the white stuff fell overnight! It disappeared quickly though during the day as it was a very wet snow, but it provided some gorgeous scenery!

  13. Beautiful photos and beautiful sentiment Thank you.
    Peace indeed!
    Love the beauty of the snow until I have to shovel it!
    Which dog is it? I have to learn to tell them apart.

  14. Thank you so much for those winter pictures. Here it was rainy.

  15. A beautiful hush seems to emanate from your post Debbie. Always lovely to visit you xx

  16. Bonjour chère amie,

    L'hiver s'installe peu à peu, avec lui le mystère et le calme.
    Très belles photos de paysages de neige.
    Je pense que ce magnifique berger allemand apprécie la balade dans la neige.

    Je n'aime pas particulièrement l'hiver et le contact avec la neige, cependant je reconnais que c'est très joli à regarder.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  17. Those photos are so peaceful. It rarely snows down here in Texas, we have more of an extended fall; and it doesn't start until late November! I love the snow. Thanks for sharing this.

    By the way, do you speak French? I noticed the comment above is in French. I read French if you need a translator. :) God bless!

  18. There is nothing as quiet and peaceful as snow , and your photos are a perfect example , so beautiful !

  19. Debbie, these photos are all beautiful .. your Shepherd looks amazing sitting on the snow!!!! Love him....

  20. No I don't get to see this sort of thing anymore. But I do remember all of it from when I was a child. I did have 32 winters in the north before coming to live in Florida.. I remember how still it was when it snowed at night and you wake in the morning..

  21. You find such lovely, serene locations to take photos of. I hope the quiet calm lasts a little longer and that this snowstorm doesn't overpower us. Stay safe, my friend!

  22. Same to you Debbie, a blessed week ahead. Winter and peace, lovely thoughts.

  23. Yes, winter's peace. Thank you for sharing the visuals of it from your part of the country...I love winter for its soft colors, sometimes summer is harder for me with its heat and stimulation of color and variety!! Winter is for introverts!! Of course, to enjoy any season, the heart and soul must be at peace...

  24. Guessing you might still be snowed in ... enjoy your peace ... no snow here yet

  25. Lovely photos--I can just hear the quiet, peacefulness of the scene.

    Do you dogs like to play in the snow? I'd love to see our dog's reaction to it!


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