Sunday, October 14, 2018

Nestling in

Like this dove I am beginning the nestling in process.  We went from 89 degrees on Monday to a high of 52 on Saturday.  It seems as if autumn's cooler temps came suddenly.

 Time to make a savory stew...

Light a candle...

and select something good to read.

May all of you have a blessed week.



P.S. Spending time "Looking up" for all those who were caught in the devastation of hurricane Michael.   I am sure there are many joining me .   


  1. Boy, I hear You!
    I returned home from Arizona to snow and it hasn't stopped yet. :}
    We need the moisture, so I'm very thankful for it.
    I made chili last night, very fitting on a cold night.

    Have a beautiful week ♡

  2. It was such a drastic change in temps here too. I guess fall has arrived. I had to put my fingerless gloves and scarf in my backpack so I'm prepared when I go out. Stay warm and comfy...enjoy the changes. Have a great week.

  3. We had a wonderful Indian summer over here, but it will be cooler this week. Have a great week!

  4. Much cooler and gloomier over the pond too. Saturday was beautiful and Sunday a whole different matter. It seems we are all hunkering down with our books. I quite like a little hibernation and now you have me thinking of stew...yum. Best wishes.

  5. How was your weekend? We have warm weather now. The unseasonably warm weather is very strange for us This is because the remnants of tropical hurricanes Leslie an Michael are leaving over the Mediterranean, instead of crossing our country as expected.

    Love your candle photos!

  6. After coming home from visiting Arizona, it was a bit of a shock...however I love the cooler weather until it gets really cold and I want to get back to that beautiful warmer air on the face.....when it does get cold we definitely have to make our stews and yummy soup!!! Always enjoy your posts.....

  7. LOVE those cozying days .. these are so wonderfully warm ...

  8. Have a wonderful cozy time. God bless you dear one.

  9. Summer is leaving us today. The wind is blowing in autumn. I am frankly happy to feel that cool damp air. Some of the plants in the garden are responding. I hope you have a great week too. I have a book going so let the wind blow...Cheers.

  10. That's quite a difference in temperature. We've had 2 days of rain but it's still warm. Looking forward to wearing my winter clothing.

  11. you have been able to capture so many birdnests this year...I haven't been reading very much for this past year, I use to read so much and I miss it, so I will make it my goal to find some good things to read ...Hope you are having a wonderful fall season! Hugs!

  12. That IS a sudden drop! From shorts to flannels in one day! Certainly prayers for those experiencing the devastation of Michael! I hope such tragedy will be met with willing hearts and deep resources.

  13. That stew looks delicious! Hope you have a great week also. Blessings, Victoria

  14. Yes, me too...Autumn races by...I love the cool...the down comforter is out. I love the nurturing that comes with your nestling: the stew, the candle, the book...Lots of gratitude...

  15. Funny kind of weather......I’m just wondering if we will get an Indian summer! Take care, we do have a special thought for those touched by the hurricane.Hugs

  16. We still have a lovely Indian summer here, normally October 15th is the day they start heating the condo's in Milan , but definitely no use for that yet ! Wishing you a great week 'cosying ' up :-)

  17. Great post, Debbie!
    We are having warmer days, but now have very cool nights here in the Pacific NW.
    Nature, warm food, candles & a good book - everything I love about October.
    But a miserable October for those experiencing the catastrophic consequences of Hurricane Michael. I am looking up with you...

  18. Oh, that is really a big drop in temperature! We are supposed to have cooler weather coming in this week. I love fall! Your post is touching...makes me want to light a candle too.

  19. We had a warm weather for a couple of weeks but now it started to cool again. Lovely post, God bless.

  20. Enjoy your nestling Debbie! That stew looks really yummy.
    Our Spring happened very quickly and we seem to have gone straight into Summer now, crazy weather!
    Have a lovely read and relax. Cheers now :D) xx

  21. Nest is symbol of love and comfort my friend and your house drops perfect definition :)))

    loved the stuff you chose for your fall day
    the stew ,the candle and "dreams of falling" are so related to the season and feelings!


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