Sunday, August 12, 2018

Another Nest

Can you believe it - another nest.   This one is located in a tree right above our deck.

I may not have a "bird's eye" view but it certainly is much easier to keep tabs on the activities that are happening.

Baby Robin
There are two baby robins.  From time to time they will get brave and poke their little heads out.  Mama and Papa are busy bringing them a daily supply of worms.

Perhaps I may get a chance to see these two fledglings take their first flight.   Hoping so!

It seems like this summer has brought quite a bit of bird watching my way.

Reading many of your comments it appears some of you are getting the same opportunities.

So from one bird lover to another - have a blessed week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. You've got a first class view on the new nest! So exciting!

  2. What a wonderful place you have there. Full of nature. When I was a little kid I also used to see bird's nests in our small farm. I can relate with you how amazing to see and observe those little robins. More blessings to you Debbie.

  3. The birds are finished nesting in my garden for the year. It seems so quiet here now. Enjoy your birdies while they are there. Have a great week.

  4. Lovely!!! Hope you have a grand week ..!

  5. I knew it was a robin’s nest right away. Ours looks exactly the same from below. I hope you do not have hawks around because i was horrified to see a Swainsons Hawk zig zag down through the tree until he found the nest and take off with a baby. Unfortunately he came back the next morning with his mate and the both flew straight in and took the rest. I was throwing apples at them but they were focussed on their mission. It was horrifying but i recognized the power of nature at work. God has HIS perfect order.
    I do hope we get to see your baby robins leave their nest on their own power. I would love that.

  6. Hi, this is so dear. Debbie, do you read the books of Elizabeth Berg? She has some books published from her Facebook posts, In Make Someone Happy she describes some lovely interactions with little birds. Very dear sharing, as is yours...

  7. You are so lucky the birds build close to you. We never get nests close anymore but plenty of birds all around so I either see (or hear) them when the babies are around wanting food food food!! What a great way to get in touch with nature right in your own backyard :)

  8. So much fun watching these babies gather their courage and fly. Have a wonderful week. Hugs!

  9. Lucky you, dear Debbie! Two busy nests to keep an eye on! I hope you do get to see them fledge! My childhood home in Washington State was a worm cafeteria for the robins. They would tug and tug getting them out of the ground. Spellbinding!

  10. Thank you for such a happy post, Debbie!
    Have a lovely week.

  11. I was so sure I posted but apparently I didn' SO I just wanted to say how wonderful it is to have a nest nearby that you can see day by day how the little ones are doing. I just bought a beautiful two story house for them so I'll have to wait until next year or maybe this year....!!!! Enjoy your day, Debbie!!!

  12. How wonderful, Debbie. The little ones have bypassed my yard this year. Someone else is getting to enjoy them on their property instead. I hope you are having a great week.

  13. Lucky you! It's so much fun to watch the little ones develop.

  14. Thanks for providing us with a glimpse of your new neighbors. I am sure they will be an enjoyable site to keep tabs on. Have a great week!

  15. Hola Debbie: Hermoso poder disfrutar la alegria de los nuevos bebes de petirrojos, y todos sus movimientos. En la galeria de mi casa sobre una maceta colgante hicieron nidos palomitas de la Virgen y cuidaban a sus pequeños trayendo alimentos y dandole calor. Bella experiencia. Un abrazo!!

  16. How very exciting! I bet it makes great viewing. I love listening to the little cheeps the babies make. Best wishes for a wonderful week.

  17. Yes, lots of bird activity here too this year. I get a little sad when they fledge, but then-there's always next year!
    Love to you...

  18. Your garden must be like an oasis for those little birdies , they feel safe and undisturbed . A joy to watch the evolution of life in the nest.

  19. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis certaine qu'il y a une telle sérénité dans ton jardin que les petits oiseaux ont décidé de l'élire comme le paradis terrestre...
    Merci pour le partage de tes belles photos. C'est un pur bonheur que de les admirer.
    Je te souhaite un bel été, à bientôt.

    Gros bisous

  20. Robins are one of my favorite birds and come to think of it, I haven't seen any lately, or a Robin's nest. We usually have lots of them when the Holly Berries turn red.


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