Sunday, February 4, 2018

February's Arrival

With February's arrival fresh snow came.  It is a gentle reminder winter is still here.

The old apple tree bends its limbs to receive a light covering of white.

The hills in the distance have taken on winter's chill.

To chase away the season's grays I have pulled out Nita Leland's wonderful book "Confident Color".   Each page has lovely art work and different exercises to build one's confidence and knowledge about color.

It has inspired me to pull out my brushes and paint.
Isn't it true that finding inspiration can be illusive?
At times like these am so grateful for encouraging authors such as Nita Leland.

Her words are the perfect antidote to make those seasonal blues go away.

Speaking of  words I am sharing a favorite song of mine performed by Michael W Smith.  Hope you enjoy it sweet friends.

Have a lovely week - God Bless until we meet again!   Hugs


  1. Lovely wintry scenery. Stay inspired. Your paintings are always very beautiful. Thanks for sharing the song. Have a nice week.

  2. I just ordered this book yesterday because somehow my treasured copy of it had been placed in the thrift shop bin by one of my helpers. I raced to the thrift shop, but someone has already claimed it. We must be on the same wavelength, ha ha. Lovely photos, Debbie, have a great week! Blessings, Victoria

  3. oH WHAT A GLORIOUS SNOW! And yes, inspiration can be so elusive! LOVE how you've been inspired! Have a fabulous week!

  4. Thanks for the reminder that even the chill of winter can be lovely - and a blessing :) So glad you are using color to keep you warm these days! Spring will come - it just seems to far away at times here in the "midwest tundra"!! ha ha

  5. Happy February!
    Leland's book, thank you. I will search for a copy

  6. Brrrr...great photos. Captured the cold perfectly. The colors on the cover of the book are cheerful and you can certainly see how my paintings have changed since then!!
    Love the hymn. Thank you and Blessings, dear friend.

  7. Great wintry scenes!!! I think right now Nita's book would be a welcome diversion to have color in the gray days of winter. Thanks you for the beautiful music selection. Enjoy your week, Debbie!

  8. Yes, still winter, it is freezing over here as well. Lovely photos! I've put the book on my wishlist, it looks very inspiring. Have fun painting!

  9. Well , with February Spring is SO close , and in my garden no snow but flowering bulbs !

  10. I love Leland's books-I have one called The New Creative Artist. I think you have that one too. I'll be on the lookout for this one about color-I need it!
    Thank you for the song-I loved it and needed it.
    Your art is beautiful-I'm glad you are painting. Love to you...

  11. How clever to pull out your book on color during these gray February days. Thanks for sharing the pretty song, too!

  12. Lovely photos, artwork & book - great post.
    Perfect song for this morning. I listened twice. How did you know? Thank you so much for sharing it, Debbie. God bless you.

  13. OOOH, Thank you for telling about the book! I'll see if i can order it, Debbie! I think inspiration comes from different sources when there is a magical sort of openness and timing...A combination...
    Gentle February snow...Here it snowed, then rained away most of the snow, leaving not so gentle ice...As you know, I love the contrast between vibrant colors this time of year and pales outdoor grays...
    Good week to you, Thank you to The Artist from Harmony Hills!

  14. Oh Debbie, such a beautiful song. I fell in love the moment I heard the piano and when the violin came in it just made it even more beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. Stay warm. We have cold and windy today. It's like a hurricane out there.

  15. I listened to the song a few times...absolutely beautiful...thank you for sharing, Debbie! We're getting rain, and wind today... Yes, I'm looking forward to Springtime...

  16. Thanks for the inspirational post and the song. Being here in South Florida, I always enjoy snow photos! Had to take close up looks at the ones with the shepherds! We lost our wonderful Jade a little over a year ago. The house without a cold nose seems empty somehow.
    I have Leland's EXPLORING COLOR but your book looks more interesting! Enjoy your snow days - spring is on the way!

  17. Hi Debbie! Winter is far from over, here it is the same. Snow keeps falling a little every day and cold is expected also. I’m glad you still enjoy painting and I just love the music you registered. Thanks for sharing

  18.'s winter again! We've been having such nice, cool weather here, but it's supposed to be 87 (!) on Saturday. (Please send some of your cold our way...)

  19. Oh yes, color is much appreciated this time of year! Beautiful!

  20. Hi Debbie! Sorry it's been awhile since I've come around. Your photography is lovely, and your posts are always interesting and inspirational. Thank you. And thank you very much for mentioning the book about color--I will look for it and for others by this author (whom some of your other readers also like--always a good sign).

  21. Lovely to see your small paintings Debbie, so glad you felt inspired to paint on a cold winter's day. It is true that we are still within winter's grasp, yet the beauty of winter is still very real and still strong enough to move us to gaze at the snow and silence around us.

  22. Thanks for all your efforts that you have put in this, It's very interesting Blog...
    I believe there are many who feel the same satisfaction as I read this article!
    I hope you will continue to have such articles to share with everyone!


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