Saturday, February 24, 2018


Dear Friends I will be missing in action for a mom is having surgery on Monday.
Praying she will be well soon.

It may be a while before I visit you.    God willing it will not be too long.

Take care and have a blessed week.

Hugs Debbie

 "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well;" James 5:15a  (NIV)

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Work in Progress

Are we not all a work in progress?  I know I am.

In fact with each passing year there seems to be more progress needed to just remain the same...stronger glasses to read the fine print...extended exercise time to keep one's shape...a healthier diet for various changes that come with age.

This past Friday my dear Mom had to undergo  a rather routine procedure...angioplasty and stents.  She went in one day and returned home the next.  (BTW- she is doing well).

Modern medicine has certainly made great strides in amazing ways.  What would have been a long recovery from open heart surgery in years past is now an overnight stay.  Who knows in time what "new" miraculous techniques will be found to cure or simplify other health issues. 

Often as we get older we struggle against change and progress.   We think the past ways were better and perhaps in some areas that may be true.   Today though I am grateful for those who continue to press on to improve life and keep us all being "works in progress". 

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.   I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."   Psalm 139: 13-14 (NIV).

May each of you have a lovely week.

Hugs Debbie

Sunday, February 4, 2018

February's Arrival

With February's arrival fresh snow came.  It is a gentle reminder winter is still here.

The old apple tree bends its limbs to receive a light covering of white.

The hills in the distance have taken on winter's chill.

To chase away the season's grays I have pulled out Nita Leland's wonderful book "Confident Color".   Each page has lovely art work and different exercises to build one's confidence and knowledge about color.

It has inspired me to pull out my brushes and paint.
Isn't it true that finding inspiration can be illusive?
At times like these am so grateful for encouraging authors such as Nita Leland.

Her words are the perfect antidote to make those seasonal blues go away.

Speaking of  words I am sharing a favorite song of mine performed by Michael W Smith.  Hope you enjoy it sweet friends.

Have a lovely week - God Bless until we meet again!   Hugs


Seeing this lovely violet patch blooming reminded me that I had been wanting to gather a few.   Many years ago I had candied some to decorat...