Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Hidden Blessing

 Seventeen  Year Cicada

It is because of him...

I am enjoying these sweet cherries.   Every year the birds manage to reap the harvest before me.

Fortunately my aviary friends are finding that the Cicadas are a much more satisfying diet.  

Hooray -  a whole bowl of cherries.  Better savor each one.


It might be seventeen years before I gather another good crop.  

See even these pesky visitors have brought a blessing.

Hope you discover a hidden blessing too.

Have a lovely week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. Oh I wish I could grow cherries. I didn't know birds ate cicadas, duh. I never saw a bird with one, so I never thought of it. I do know they like cherries though. And, by the way, my weenies love to catch cicadas and eat them.

  2. I love cherries, Debbie, and they are healthy, too!

  3. I can feel how much pleasure you had from being able to gather those cherries, before the birds ate them all. Life is about so many things, caring & sharing being my priority. maybe the birds around you knew they needed to share and left those especially for you. Enjoy your week and I hope you have many more hidden pleasures come your way.

  4. Cheery cherries a little bonus of nature's mysterious ways

  5. Yay! Congratulations on a fun and tasty harvest! A lovely week to you and yours, Debbie

  6. Debbie,

    We had cherries on our tree the first year that we moved here. The birds mostly get them now so maybe we need some of your cicadas!

    Lovely photos and thoughts as always. I hope your week gets off to a good start.

  7. I love it! Enjoy your cherries while the birds feast on something else.

  8. LOVE cherries and I have a cherry tree as well! However, they are "very" sour but the birds enjoy it. It's so pretty to look at when the tree is full. Thank you for sharing the nice photos with us.

  9. Yum, they look delicious, Debbie! Thanks to the cicadas!

  10. The whole pollination to fruit process is always a wonder to me! Thanks, Debbie!

  11. Poor little cicadas. I love their shrill song and I also love cherries. Hope you continue to get more good crops.

  12. I have had trouble getting through to your blog - have you joined Google + it won't let me get past to comment. Luckily I have you on my blog roll so came through that way. I have yet to beat the birds for my cherries when I have managed one or two they are very sour so the birds are welcome to them :)

  13. Love the sounds of the cicadas, but love cherries too !
    Good to see your visit to my blog.. Thanx Debbie..
    yes, I'm doing ok..

  14. Oh that is wonderful! Enjoy your cherries........

  15. We also have been tucking into wonderful fresh cherries....but picked nearby at a N.M. orchard. Huge areas of netting overhead keeps the birds away.
    Fascinating...Cicadas become food for all the insect eating birds
    The balance of nature is a marvelous thing
    Had a blessed week, dear Debbie.

  16. Bonjour chère amie,

    Le temps des cerises est la période de l'année que je préfère... Je vous remercie pour le partage de vos merveilleuses photos.
    Il est aussi tellement agréable d'entendre chanter les cigales... j'aime ça énormément !

    Gros bisous 🌺

  17. Cicadas make a wonderful meal for the birds and lucky for you! Cherries are delicious, we have been eating them too from my in laws orchard. Hugs to you Debbie.

  18. AMAZING the way nature works!! DELICIOUS! So nice to appreciate those things that make us happy!

  19. Your cherries are so pretty-you are quite a bit ahead of us here. Our cherries won't be ripe till the 4th. Those bugs are a bit on the creepy side... :)

  20. This made me smile, Debbie. Glad the cicadas helped out. The cherries look very tempting!!! Hope your week was great...It's hard to believe the week is nearly over. Where is the time going?


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