Sunday, July 19, 2015

Slow Down


  I am wishing the summer would slow  down.

Zucchini (croquettes) and yellow squash are rushing to bear fruit.

Blackberries are in a hurry for you know what...


Day lilies are quickly opening.

Even summertime seems to be making this fella grow fast.

Ah how I wish the season would slow down!

How about you?

Hugs Debbie


  1. I'm wishing it would slow down too. Lovely photos! With having two out of town weddings this summer it is going too fast. I am flying home from LA right now.

  2. Isn't it amazing how the summer is half over. Doesn't seem fair that time should fly when you get older. Glad you are getting summer's bounty where you are. I will get a few tomatoes and cukes and okra, but the rest of it didn't make it due to unusual weather. I am going to go to the wild plums in a few. The deer have been down there quite a bit and I am hoping to get some for juice and jelly.

  3. Hi Debbie, I love how your painting is coming out I just realized there is a butterfly in there! Oh my! Summer is moving fast. Thunder showers tonight and very humid here.

  4. Beautiful painting - love the horizontal format!! Our veggie garden is also happy, but our dog doesn't want to go outside - so hot in the Pacific NW. Schindler looks happy to be inside - doesn't look like a puppy anymore. Love those blackberries & the look of that yummy pie. Blackberries are abundant, some say invasive, around here. Making a pie sounds like a good plan. Great post, Debbie!

  5. Oh Debbie, painting is wonderful...and as always your photos and scenery are beautiful... I'll be over for a piece of that pie.. put on the tea !!! yes, berry bushes here too. Your 'puppy' is growing so fast.

  6. oh boy, what a mouth-watering pie! i bet that went REALLY fast! :) lovely painting! yes i agree where does the time go

  7. Your photos are lovely, and the pie looks delicious. Beautiful day lilies!

  8. Hi Debbie
    I would recognise a painting of your anywhere - you have a distinctive style - this one is very summery and light. Glad to hear you're veg is coming along nicely - not such a good year for me this year, although we have been eating garden peas like crazy - they are finished now and the French beans are almost ready to start tucking in to. I can't believe how big Schindler has grown - he is hardly a pup any more - such a handsome fellow. Have a lovely week my friend and I hope your summer becomes a little drier.

  9. Debbie, your blog is always so restorative for me. I love how you are spending your summer...all things good going on. May God continue to richly bless you.

  10. You sure have some classic summer things going on. Our zucchini didn't turn out so well!

    The WIP looks lovely too and I can't believe how big Schindler is getting! Those paws and ears!

    Hope all is well. Enjoy yourself:)

  11. Your painting is so pretty. I hope your wrist has completely healed by now. It's nice to have a harvest, and enjoy the fruits of our labors!

  12. Is that Schindler?! Wow, has he grown. And turned into a beautiful dog. That pie looks pretty beautiful, too--yummy. I can't believe it's already almost the end of July, and usually I am counting the days until the end of summer here in steamy Florida. This year hasn't seemed so bad overall. Or maybe I just have a better attitude.

  13. Your WIP is beautiful, Debbie! Love the shape of it, and the soft colors look so elegant. Homemade berry pie! Nothing better in this world, and you look like you'll have a good harvest with the veggies. You bring back fond memories of my childhood home with the baking and the harvesting and the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.

  14. I have a different experience of summer because I can't wait until fall! But I'm trying to be in the moment of each sunny, warm-cool green day...I love how you are fully into the gifts of your country summer.

  15. Great photos and your WIP is looking lovely. For me I am so over winter, roll on spring

  16. Oh Debbie, I agree....the summer is flying by! Your pictures are simply lovely, sweet friend. Hugs to you!

  17. Love your WIP Debbie!! I look forward to seeing it finished!! After seeing your post I really need to get some fresh veggies in my house!!!

  18. Everyone loves a little extra sunshine.
    Those day lilies look wonderful in that arrangement.

  19. Bonjour chère amie,

    Un doux instant de plaisir que de pouvoir venir vous faire un petit coucou ! J'ai réussi à obtenir internet (enfin peut-être brièvement !!) alors j'en profite !!
    Un très joli billet. J'aimerais bien déguster cette belle tourte aux mûres !
    A bientôt,

    Gros bisous ♡

  20. Bonjour chère amie,

    Un doux instant de plaisir que de pouvoir venir vous faire un petit coucou ! J'ai réussi à obtenir internet (enfin peut-être brièvement !!) alors j'en profite !!
    Un très joli billet. J'aimerais bien déguster cette belle tourte aux mûres !
    A bientôt,

    Gros bisous ♡

  21. I love your painting, beautiful butterfly and I love the oblong size. I imagine the blackberry pie was amazing! It is a wonderful time of year despite the heat, it is going by so fast! Have a great rest of the week! xx

  22. I love your WIP Debbie - very pretty! I also love how you harvest your own fruits and vegetables and make amazing dishes with them. That pie looks divine! I wonder if your blackberry is one and the same as our mulberry? We are usually begging for summer to end after a few months of it because of the relentless heat, but I can see why you want to hold on to it over there with your snowy winters.xx

  23. Hi Debbie,
    Looks like an interesting WIP - I look forward to seeing how you finish! And I wish the summer would slow down, too :)
    Kathryn xx

  24. Hello Debbie, your latest wip is beautiful, i notice you tape the paper flat, I haven't tried doing this (probably why I get curled up paper ha ha!) hope you find things slow down enough to do all the things you want. Betty

  25. What a beautiful watercolor and it is a WIP? is so dimensional already. Look ing forward to seeing it finished..
    Time goes by so fast I would love to find a way to slow it down. Just had a thought...time only drags when things are not good so maybe fast shows things are really, really good. have a great weekend, my friend.

  26. So very beautiful Deb ... soft and enticing!! Hope you're enjoying your wonderful garden!


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