Sunday, March 29, 2015

Long Time

Sunday Sketches
  It may seem like a long time since I last saw the hummingbirds and yellow finches.

 Or spotted a patch of wildflowers

or looked up at such a soft blue sky...

or caught site of a butterfly...

or seen hills shrouded in the morning mist.

In reality it hasn't been so long.  It just seems so.

When one is waiting time seems to slumber.

May all of you have a blessed week!

Hugs Debbie


  1. Debbie, thank you for these lovely photo of what is in store for us if we patiently wait. The birds, the flowers, the green grasses all will return...maybe not quite at the speed we are hoping for, but in good time. Enjoy this week and know that God does provide! Happy Easter Week!

  2. Dear Debbie,

    Your photos are lovely and your posts bring so much joy. Thank you so much for sharing and I hope your week will be a happy and healthy one. :)

  3. Debbie, what a wonderful post! Your bird sketches are awesome, and the photos are gorgeous. You live in such a beautiful part of the world. Thank you for sharing all this beauty.
    Wishing you a wonderful week [and Spring WILL be there soon]
    Kathryn XX

  4. Hi Debbie, your sketch is inspiring! I love hummingbirds.

    I know your patience will be rewarded with the most incredible spring! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos with us! A big hug to you

  5. You have spring in your heart , it will soon be there for real, to reap your rewards from the pleasure of nature and walking with your dog in your beautiful countryside. happy to see your sketch's again. Enjoy your week and I send you & your family blessings for the coming Easter celebrations.

  6. Debbie, the sketches are so beautiful! And you have grass and flowers already?? Not here yet, though I did finally see robins. Supposed to hit the 60's today (it was in 20's and low 30's for the past week) and for next couple of days it will be close to that...maybe some color will spring forth. We shall see. Love your gorgeous views and photos. I so wish I had your peace of heart too. What a blessing you are to me. May you have a blessed week yourself!

  7. What gorgeous countryside! And your sketches are wonderful! Lots of goodness here, Debbie. Everything comes in due time I guess:)

  8. Spring is around the corner, such nice photos to start my day.

  9. Thanks for sharing your spring photos. We've had goldfinches all year but the males are just beginning to put on their bright yellow coats!

  10. Hi Debbie, I love your bird sketches and it's wonderful Spring has arrived. I'm even toying with the idea of taking over the gardening chores this year for some exercise and a feeling of accomplishment. I was blessed with sighting a Tufted Titmouse in the tree outside my kitchen window the other day. Couldn't catch a photo of him though but it was fun watching him flit from branch to branch.

  11. Love the post, all the gifts from nature and your sketches are wonderful reminders that spring is just around the corner. I know your waiting for that .
    hugs BJ

  12. You have such a beautiful view of things inner and outer.

  13. Enjoyed your beautiful photos. It looks so peaceful and serene where you are. Wonderful drawings of birds. They bring such joy to our lives, don't they? Thank you for these gifts this morning.

  14. Beautiful photos--it's good we can remember the beauty of spring when winter has us in its grip--or in my case, when summer is smothering me!

  15. Dear Deb. You have such a fine hand for drawing, really love your birds and flowers, so accurate and precise. And lovely photos of spring , the most wonderful season , you only realize when it comes that this is what you have been waiting for all winter. xx

  16. These sketches are so beautiful, Debbie! and I love the photos...I can't wait to see wild flowers...I feel like Spring is never coming!!! sigh!!!!

  17. I like your resilience Debbie. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures and drawings. And a Happy Easter to you !!! :)

  18. Spring has arrived at my farm so the hummers will be here soon. I'd better get their food ready.

  19. Spring is here...trees slowly becoming green, first flowers that seem smiling at sky...
    Rebirth with natural world is spontaneous ...Happy Easter dear Debbie. Your drawings are so beautiful and natural world near you full of poetry and beauty.
    Warm hugs,Rita

  20. Spring is here...trees slowly becoming green, first flowers that seem smiling at sky...
    Rebirth with natural world is spontaneous ...Happy Easter dear Debbie. Your drawings are so beautiful and natural world near you full of poetry and beauty.
    Warm hugs,Rita

  21. I am sure you will see them all again soon.

  22. What a beautiful sketch, Debbie, fabulous! You live in a really lovely part of the world, I love the photos!

  23. Debbie your Sunday sketches of the birds and flowers are gorgeous! You have such an amazing talent! It does seem like a really long time since we've seen green grass and flowers! Our weather is starting to warm again so there is Hope! Have a lovely Easter my friend. ~ Diane

  24. Wishing you a Happy Easter and hoping that your spring is just a moment away. You will appreciate all the colours and beautiful flowers that appear after your long winter.
    I love your sketchbook pages, the birds and flowers and the little face are all beautifully drawn. I hope your wrist has healed well.
    I am sure you are looking forward to all the things in your photographs, and to feel the warmth from the sunshine, hope Spring arrives soon. Best wishes Millyx

  25. Such a lovely post Debbie! Your photos are so pretty and your sketches are absolutely beautiful! It won't be long and you will be enjoying all these things again!
    Happy Easter!

  26. Thank you for the look at the lovely sketches and beautiful photos!


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Time for...

Vegetable Beef  soup, Red Headed Woodpecker watching the birds, Witten by John MacArthur and reading a good book that has me dreaming about ...