Sunday, February 8, 2015

Could This Mean...

Watercolor/watercolor pencil on Yupo Paper
I have been seeing the Canada geese flying overhead in spite of winter's cold.

Could this mean spring is just around the corner?
Hope so.    I am ready.   What about you?

May everyone have a delightful week.

God Bless !



  1. This is one of your nicest painting Debbie. Quite lovely! I'm not sure spring is just around the corner... I think you're dreaming my dear! :) Still,,,have a lovely week!

  2. A great painting Debbie on what I find is a very tricky surface so well done you. Don't know about warmer weather in your part of the world. We have had a very up and down weather pattern for our summer

  3. I love your painting, Debbie, it is gorgeous. I am not sure if Spring is around the corner or not. I know many ducks stay here in the Montreal area for the entire winter, not sure about the geese, though.

  4. Love your use of Yupo. The sky really looks beautifully watercolory and the pencil adds strength.
    Hard to believe the geese are flying but I trust their instincts more than mine.
    My daffs are peeking through.

  5. I hope it's the start of Spring for you and Winter for us...we still haven't really had winter weather here in So. California.

    I love your painting, it's just gorgeous!



  6. I hope this sign means spring is on it's way for you, but maybe he was on his own and wanted company :) The best sign for me is seeing you showing a painting :) hope life is getting better for you. take care and enjoy your week.

  7. There is always something thrilling when geese fly directly over you! We have them a lot here, seems like in all seasons too.

    Your watercolor is lovely and delicate. Good job with that Yupo:)

  8. Debbie, this is just so lovely! I love seeing the ducks fly!

  9. We can only hope Spring is only weeks away, at least it says so on the calendar and the weeks really go by quickly. We are due for more snow today. It snowed all day yesterday. Adding up inch by inch. Very pretty painting Debbie. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the Bohemian waxwings here yesterday. What a treat.

  10. What a gorgeous painting Debbie!! What an amazing sight it must be to see them flying above on their way to distant climes.

  11. what a beautiful painting, the sky, the bird the spring trees so pretty, and i've never heard of yupo paper, sounds interesting. We have had a couple of nice days here in NC, and it has me wishing for spring too...

  12. The goose painting is lovely! I'm happy to think that spring is on its way even though it may take several months to reach us!

  13. I know we're both ready for Spring!!!
    Kathryn XX

  14. I don't know what yuppo paper is but I love the end result. Today, here, it is just like Spring - the sun is out, the birds a-twittering away - I have the window open as I type - gorgeous - I would say proper Spring is definitely around the corner.

  15. It certainly feels like Spring here in the mountains :) Happy Monday, my dear. Hugs!

  16. I think I'd like to stick with winter for another couple of weeks - even though it was a cold one by our standards.

  17. I love your painting Debbie! Yuppo is not easy to use from what I hear, never tried it. Lets hope it gets here quick! A big hug.

  18. Such a beautiful sight when geese are flying in groups, hopefully this could mean spring :-) Love your watercolor , you created some beautiful texture. xx

  19. Hi Deb, everyone I visit today is painting flowers including me.. LOL
    I think Spring is being anticipated through the paintings.
    And your geese.
    We've had a group of hundreds of black -bellied ducks here for the past 6 weeks... I know they live here in Florida all year round,, but seeing them out in the open every day is different.

  20. Beautiful painting, and I'm impressed that it's on yupo paper. I've only used that a couple of times and man, it is not cooperative! I hope you have a beautiful spring--right now I am enjoying our beautiful winter here in central Florida.

  21. Lovely painting, Debbie, with it's marbled sky and winter time foliage. I trust that Spring is on its way and look forward to it as you do. The geese are wiser then me in the area of weather prediction so they must be anxious, too.

  22. It's a beautiful painting, dear friend! I hear 'our' Canadian geese, but they are just going back and forth from the other lakes-they do it all winter. I can't wait to see the ones coming from the south-they will be our springtime forecasters. I hope your geese have been flying up from the south....soon we'll have little spring flowers peeping up-it won't be long....

  23. Love the painting of the goose!!! Nicely done!

    We have sunshine right now (hope it lasts) for the first time in a while. Maybe it will warm things up. It seems like this winter has been too long already...and I'm sure there is more to come. Enjoy your day!

  24. Excellent watercolor, Debbie!!!! Don't tease me! I didn't know that if you see the Canadian geese flying it could mean Spring is coming! I really need the warmth of Summer but I'll take Springtime!!! lol

  25. Hola Debbie: Una pintura hermosa, delicada , sutil y llena de encanto. Felicitaciones y un gran abrazo!

  26. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une aquarelle remplie d'espoir avec peut-être l'arrivée de Demoiselle Printemps, qui est ma saison préférée.
    J'aime la douceur de vos couleurs, tout en délicatesse.

    Gros bisous ♡

  27. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une aquarelle remplie d'espoir avec peut-être l'arrivée de Demoiselle Printemps, qui est ma saison préférée.
    J'aime la douceur de vos couleurs, tout en délicatesse.

    Gros bisous ♡

  28. Hello there, Debbie! I just came by way of our dear Penny; she has a link to your blog, and indeed, your work is FABULOUS. I respect anyone who can paint! I was never great at it so I traded my paint brushes for a pencil. Wishing you a wonderful Valentine's Day! Anita

  29. Fabulous job done on Yupo Debbie. Beautiful composition. Funny though because our Canada Geese must just be lazy. They never fly anywhere. The stay here spring, summer, winter and autumn. So we can't really use them to tell what season it is. I am ready for some warmth too. Hope it doesn't take too long to get to you. Take care.

  30. I truly hope it is a sign of Spring...the way the weather is lately they could just be confused...:)

  31. Love, love, love the effect you got with this piece! I have a piece of yupo tucked away - maybe it's time to play with it again! It's only 61 degrees at noon here in Port Charlotte! Shouldn't complain - but that's a bit too chilly! Hope our spring arrives soon!

  32. It felt so much like Spring yesterday around here, but by nightfall it was back to deep winter with snow and dropping temperatures. We'll be watching for the geese to return... soon... we hope! In the meantime the chickadees are keeping us company, as are the bluejays and the pine grosbeaks.

    Beautiful painting, Debbie!


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Time for...

Vegetable Beef  soup, Red Headed Woodpecker watching the birds, Witten by John MacArthur and reading a good book that has me dreaming about ...