Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blessed New Year!

Wishing everyone  a Blessed New Year!   May it be filled with many blessings and much joy!

Hugs Debbie!


  1. Wishing you and yours a prosperous, healthful, joyous and creative New Year!

  2. You too Debbie. May 2015 be filled with creative blessings.

  3. Ooooh, too cute for words! Debbie you must have been posting this cardinal right at the time I was wondering if you'd had any come to visit at Christmas!
    Wishing you and your family a joyful, happy and healthy 2015 Debbie!!
    P.S. you can't post too many cardinal photos! I love them!

  4. Gorgeous shot Debbie. Happy New Year to you!

  5. Wishing you an inspiring and productive new year Debbie.looking forward to continuing our blogging friendship during 2015

  6. Wishing you a wonderful 2015 also. I look forward to this next year of blogging and sharing with you. You have been a blessing to me.

  7. Same to you, Debbie! I appreciate all your encouraging comments and uplifting posts.

  8. What a gorgeous photo, dear Debbie. Wishing you great blessings for 2015 and always. Happy New Year. :)

  9. Happy New Year to you and your family Debbie. xx

  10. Happy New Year to you to Debbie, beautiful photo of the cardinal

  11. Happy New Year my dear Debbie,to you and your family. I really love your picture of Cardinal, a bird that not lives here, so I never saw from real!

  12. Happy New Year, Debbie!!! Wishing you a healthy, happy, faith-filled 2015!

  13. Wow! That's a beautifully composed photo, Debbie! I love it! Happy New Year to you too!

  14. Oh MY... what a wonderful start to the year. Thanks for this beautiful photo

  15. Oh MY... what a wonderful start to the year. Thanks for this beautiful photo, dearest Debbie!

  16. Debbie, I wish you a wonderful Happy New Year, Debbie!
    Kathryn XX

  17. A beautiful picture to start the New Year! This is one of my favorite friend Debbie. He keeps visiting us and looks specially nice at this time with the snow all around. Hope you're feeling good Debbie and I do wish all kinds of wonderful things for you and your dear ones through the Year. A Special holiday's hug! :)

  18. A Happy and Healthy New Year to you and all of your family...

  19. Wishing you all the best in 2015 Debbie. Thanks for sharing your kind and warm thoughts throughout the year.

  20. Same to you, dear Debbie! Love your cardinal standing his post. I love it when the birds start returning in the spring. It's like greeting old friends the first days of the new school year!! May you look forward to each new day with joy and anticipation.

  21. Wishing you all the best in the New Year ! Hope you had a beautiful Holiday. xx

  22. Happy New Year to you, Debbie! May your year be full of sweet joy and precious blessings.

    Your photo is gorgeous :) Hugs to you!

  23. I wish the same for you and your loved ones, Debbie!

    That is such a beautiful photo! I wish we had Cardinals out here, but we don't. :( Thank you for posting your photo of one!



  24. I love cardinals, and he's magnificent!

    Happy, healthy New Year to you also! :)

  25. I am late in wishing you a Happy New Year. Hope everything is off to a great start:)

  26. Happy New Year!!! I can't wait to start my drawing classes again next week!! Will keep you posted on my progress!

  27. Bonjour chère amie,

    Mon ami, Léo le toucan est ravi d'apercevoir son ami emplumé pour illustrer la nouvelle année que je vous souhaite merveilleuse.
    Qu'elle soit remplie de joies, de bonheur et de sourires...
    Gros bisous à vous

  28. Love Mr. C with his cheery bright red feathered coat and his pointy head :) We have a Mr and Mrs C down here in Fla too, they are very sweet


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