Sunday, December 7, 2014

"It's a Wonderful Life"

It is that time of the year when hubby and I visit Bedford Falls and check in on George and Mary.

It just would not be the Christmas season without viewing "It's a Wonderful Life."

This moon reminded me of the scene where George tells Mary he will lasso the moon for her.
There are many precious moments in the movie. This particular one is a favorite of mine.

Naturally what makes this 1946 motion picture so appealing is that in the end good triumphs over evil.   Of course my eyes are not dry when everyone comes to rescue George from his trouble.    There is such a great feeling in knowing that love of family, friends and neighbors does make one the richest person in town.

If for some reason someone reading this post has never seen this movie I hope you will put in on your list of must sees!   For certain you will not be disappointed.

   Have a blessed week!



  1. It's a Wonderful Life ...has to be one of my all time favorites.... it brings back beautiful memories... I loved it so much that I bought the movie !! lol... thanks for sharing these beautiful photos...

  2. Love that movie.I was with my son last night for a tree lighting event. The town came alive with lights, bright smiles from children and everyone was having a good time. When we came home we both noticed the wonderful moon. It was having its own show. You must have been looking at it too. Lovely photos Debbie.

  3. Yes, It's a Wonderful Life is a must. It has a beautiful message that is as timely today as when it was filmed. I hope you are doing well! Hugs! B

  4. Oh Debbie... It is one of my favorite movies.. I don't think I have ever watched it without a box of tissue near by... His brothers speech brings tears every time.
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos..

  5. It is such a lovely movie, Debbie! And your photos, as always, are equally as lovely.

  6. Gorgeous photos Debbie! I'm embarrassed to admit that I have yet to watch the movie. I must do so soon! Have a wonderful week!

  7. Debbie, I think it's the ultimate "feel good" movie of all time. I cry at the ending, wonderful to be so loved. I have a little bell on my tree that I ring every time I pass...just so an angel can get their wings! Your photos are so beautiful, I love them all.



  8. My favourite film to watch at Christmas time - I always cry in the same places hoping for a good outcome - it definitely hits all the right spots for me. Have a good week my friend.

  9. Good morning Debbie, I saw that very same moon. :)
    Well this week is starting out to be a challenging one. Woke up to some frozen bathroom pipes and it's our coldest night of the year so far (and it's just beginning). Hubby will have to troubleshoot the problem and rectify the situation when the sun comes up. What is disconcerting is that we've taken great care to make sure this wouldn't happen, and it hasn't for many years. Right now we have no idea why this one bitterly cold night should be any different.........hmmmm. My job today will be making lots of hot coffee and dispensing hugs. I hope your week starts out on the positive.

  10. Hi Debbie! I remember watching this movie a long time ago. A great movie!
    I love Victoria's story about the little bell in her tree. So cute. Have a lovely week Debbie. Hugs

  11. We shared that big ol' moon; gorgeous, wasn't it? My favorite scene, for some odd reason, is the dancing over the pool weird sense of humor, I imagine. Thank you for all your prayers.

  12. A kindred soul! I watch the movie every year without fail and it always perks me right up! Your life is never empty. You only have to look around to realize that. My favorite part is when everyone is praying for George. His wife's plea is so moving and so very simple.

  13. This is one of my favorite movies...and it really makes you think about the true meaning of life and friendship. Just thinking about it makes me smile. Enjoy your day! Thanks for lassoing the moon for us this morning.

  14. This time of year holiday movies are as much a part of the Christmas season as any ornament or wreath on the door. "White Christmas," with Bing Crosby and "A Christmas Carol, " with Jim Carrey, and a few other versions back to 1938 are favorites.
    Have a great week!

  15. My heart broke when he stood on the bridge. This movie grabs me on so many levels. Hard to live up to the sweet and perfect wife. ..the clarity of his generous soul...the change...and then the glorious and comforting/corny happy ending. Thanks for the reminder, Dear Debbie. I will watch it again, and, no doubt cry again.

  16. Isn't it wonderful that this movie evokes both excitement for and memories of Christmas after all this time? It thrills me whenever I see thoughtful traditions carried on and on. I'm also glad to know that others sometimes shed a tear when watching it again!

  17. Stunning pictures of the magical moon. I love the old films and this year is the first time I have seen Wonderful Life. What a good story and very touching too.

  18. These photos are incredible, Debbie. So ironic that you wrote about that movie. I don't think I remember ever seeing it! My daughter asked me yesterday about buying the DVD for grandma and grandpa, because she had just seen it herself and loved it. It's on my to-do list to watch it now!

  19. Indeed it is. In spite of everything, it is :) Have a wonderful week Debbie. The photos of the moon are gorgeous.

  20. You got some gorgeous shots of the moon. I love the classics and need to get my daughters to see this one, I haven't watched it in years. Thanks for the reminder Debbie!

  21. Love those moon shots , just gorgeous, and I love that film , a super classic that of course leaves you with tears streaming down ...even when you know the end :-))

  22. I still have to watch is a wonderful movie. Your moon photos are lovely.

  23. Beautiful photos, Debbie! And I agree, "It's a Wonderful Life" is truly a classic!!

  24. I love that movie too. Must watch it at least once at this time of year! Your moon photos are lovely and peaceful. Have a wonderful week! ~ Diane

  25. LOVE your photos! gorgeous! Love that movie, too, especially Clarence; haven't seen it in awhile, will have to check it out of the library

  26. I haven't seen that movie for ages, but I remember it well! Wonderful photos, Debbie!

  27. I have seen it, though many years ago now. 'Tis the season for holiday movies--and my favorite is A Christmas Story. I'm sure that says something about me, but I'm afraid to ask what.


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