Sunday, October 5, 2014


I think the finches and chickadees are wishing these sunflowers would last a
bit longer.  Once they were tall beauties dressed in lovely yellow and orange petals.   Now all that remains is their top heavy heads.   They are a reminder that time is fleeting.   One needs to savor each and every moment.

This evening I am wishing that all of you are savoring your moments.   Have a blessed week.

"Be very careful then how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity..." Ephesians 5:15-16a  (NIV)


  1. Good evening Debbie,
    Such large Sunflowers! I bet they were beautiful when all dressed.
    You are so right.. We should all capture every moment of each day...
    Wishing you a lovely week.

  2. How lovely, Debbie! I also like the Scripture you are sharing. Sending you warm hugs.

  3. Well put and sometimes we forget. I wish you a wonderful week!

  4. I didn't have any sunflowers this year - they certainly bring a smile - everything is going over so quickly now - we have rain today - a grey , dreary, blustery autumn day - not my favourite kind but at least it means I won't feel guilty doing housework indoors.

  5. Even as they fade, they are beautiful! and they give new life in the seeds. Precious. As are your thoughts xx

  6. The birds have devoured all the seeds from a large seed head we put for the birds during our short break away from home. A true sign of autumn.

  7. A good reminder of the fleeting nature of things. I'm savoring our first cool weather of the season, having the windows open to fresh air and the excitement of getting ready to visit my family. Hope you have a happy week!

  8. Perhaps the sunflowers are bowing their heads to pray for an easy winter for us all. :)

  9. Such a beautiful post to start my day with, Debbie! Sad in a way, since I love the Summer but the Fall is a wonderful time !! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  10. Sunflowers are always beautiful no matter what time of the year . These are singing their last verses and they do look a little sad , but beauty is also to be found in decline. Wish you a great week.

  11. We have NO sunflowers, and that is just pathetic, as they are such jolly friends in the fall... and such a temptation to the finches. I like what you did with the quill pen and sepia ( my favorite color ink) . Using a quill pen occasionally feels very nostalgic, but can be quite messy. Looks like you handled yours nicely.

  12. The sunflowers are eaten up fast. There appear to be more this year than before around here. Yours are lovely, Debbie.
    Have a blessed week!

  13. My husband loves sunflowers and I like them too but hydrangeas, carnations and roses will always be my favourites.

  14. I like sunflowers even when they have turned, thanks for your recent visit and lovely comments Debbie, wishing you a great week too

  15. Love sunflowers! they last a long time compared to day lilies! My husband thinks orchids are the most beautiful flowers, but my favorites are roses, lilies, and sunflowers. You are so right, we need to "redeem the time"

  16. Always love visiting here, it calms me, and makes me feel refreshed.
    How I wished we lived closer.
    Thank you for all your encouraging comments.

  17. Dear Debbie,
    I love you part of the world.. Thank you so much for your visit today and such kind words. I became very attached to these two...
    Enjoy your evening

  18. Yes, the seasons do hurtle along don't they! I hope your finches and chickadees (love that name!) find other things in your garden to keep them going. How do they survive your snowy winters?
    A lovely post Debbie!

  19. I know the birds are loving the sunflower heads. I love placing around the garden...the squirrels enjoy them as much as the birds. Hugs, Bonnie

  20. I really love sunflowers. This year I planted them in a new spot and they didn't get enough sun; stunted and spindly. Next year perhaps.

  21. I'm with the finches -- I SO MISS these beauties once they're gone!! Hope you're having a marvelous week, Deb! Sending hugs!

  22. There is something so beautiful about all stages of sunflowers, even these, bared down with just seedheads and no petals. Feeding the birds = giving back all the time with beauty and nourishment, too. Have a wonderful week.

  23. A great picture! At this time of year sunflowers are such a treat for birds and it will go on for the winter months too, if you don't cut them. I'm sure you know that. :) There are still some colors left. And I love your wise words ...Have a gorgeous day my dear Debbie!

  24. As I drive through the valley, the landscape is filled with sunflowers. The air is filled with the birdsong of the jays and chickadees. Have a wonderful fall Debbie!

  25. Debbie, it's so great that you don't cut your sunflowers, but leave them to make food for the birds and other animals. Bless you for your kind heart!


  26. I'm savoring. Savoring...beautiful photo, Debbie! Thank you for your continued prayers.

  27. All the bright yellows in these sunflowers are gone but they still look beautiful with the green colors beside the almost black color. These sunflowers show that life has many stages, and in their case they are in their last stage of their life.

  28. What a great shot of the sunflowers. It made me want to grab my paints right away.
    I like the thought of the sunflower being a gift that keeps on giving.
    Have a beautiful fall day!

  29. Debbie, it is so good to finally be home from my trip and come and take a relaxing visit to your blog. I always feel so peaceful when I visit here. Thank you for sharing your views and thoughts with us. Enjoy!


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