Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October's Finish

The ground is covered with October's finish.   Most of the leaves have fallen.   Bare limbs and branches have shed their cloaks of color.

They will remain naked waiting for spring's return.    There is a definite chill in the air.

The sun is setting much earlier now.

Seasons come and go.   Each one brings its own special gifts.

Time to cozy up with a crunchy apple, a great novel, and a warm  quilt.    Soon the smell of a wood fire will fill the house with a lovely scent.

Hot Cider bubbling on the stove with a cinnamon stick  invites one to slow down and savor this quieter time of the year.

Before we know it Thanksgiving will be here.  


 In the meantime I am wishing everyone a delightful October finish.    God Bless!


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    La douceur de vos aquarelles sont un pur bonheur !... J'aime la présence de ces emplumés et nul doute que mon ami Léo le toucan apprécie également.
    Les couleurs sont aussi belles et généreuses que celles qui nous entourent en ce moment pour quelques jours encore, avant que le vent ne vienne faire tomber définitivement les dernières feuilles...
    Je recommence à cuisiner les soupes... qui embaument la maison sitôt le jour tombé.
    Une très jolie publication... Une belle fin d'octobre à vous aussi.

    Gros bisous ☼

  2. Your paintings are beautiful!
    I thought of you and your paintings today when I was selecting an acorn to pick up. Parking lots aren't the best place to do that. lol

  3. A wonderful October finish to you has gone by to quickly.

  4. Debbie, those paintings look so beautiful. I want to see them close up, can you take more pics of them? Thanks for the little gift of autumn's glory, seen through your creative eyes!

  5. Definitely a beautiful painting to end October with, Debbie. The hot cider sounds wonderful as well!!!

  6. I love seeing your art, Debbie, it warms my heart. I love to watch TV, snuggle up with my cat and a good book and sip a nice hot chocolate. :)

  7. Debbie, I love the picture your words painted ... and your real paintings, too!



  8. And cozying up with your paints & paper too, yes? Autumn is so rich in colors, even at the finish! Here, there are still leaves & some bright bursts of color among bare branches...Love the atmosphere you present here.

  9. Your squirrel painting is beautifully composed, and gorgeous birds! It is a cozy time of year, I wish you a happy end to this beautiful month.

  10. Love these beautiful soft paintings, Debbie. You paint gorgeous images with your words too. I'm checking out of the holidays this year. We still have leaves on our trees; great colors this year. Many are falling and faster and faster too. I so hope 2015 is a better year for me personally!

  11. Good day Debbie, yes October is about to leave us and the colder weather is creeping in here too. I love your sketches of your little buddy the squirrel. Enjoy your day!

  12. Ah, fall, my favorite season. Cozy, but not too cold (or too hot, usually, here in Florida). Enjoy the season and all the gifts it brings. (Love your art work!)

  13. Finish indeed! What happened to the month? Lovely photos and thoughts-thank you:)

  14. Sweet october finish with your serene words and harmony of your visual art( Ireally love both, pictures and painting )!!!
    God bless,dear Debbie!

  15. My favorite season!!! Love your paintings...Many Blessings.

  16. Lovely ending for a busy month! It's morning here and the sun has come out for a few minutes. Quick, I'll finish my tea outside and enjoy the moment, even if it's only 52 degrees F.

  17. Debbie, your poetry is as beautiful as your paintings! We are so thankful you share both with us! Better be careful though, or you may have all your followers packing to spend Thanksgiving at Harmony Hills! Lovely October is going out with a flourish here in Western NC with snow predicted for Saturday!

  18. Beautiful paintings of Autumn's gifts.
    The delicate little bird and the leaves.
    Watercolour pieces are my favourite - the softness of the palette.
    Wishing you a happy weekend of sketching and painting Debbie!

  19. I'm glad to hear it's not just me who thinks October has passed by so quickly. What delightful paintings, so soft yet you've captured the true autumn colours. Enjoy the coming weekend.

  20. It sounds so cozy. A great time to stay indoors and read. Bliss!

  21. I love these paintings and reading this post makes me feel the specialness of autumn - a favorite time of year for me, even though our seasons here are not very distinct. I think autumn gives such a strong feeling of family and traditions and you have captured that feeling in this post.

  22. wonderful and this lovely post reminds me i need to get outside and gather leaves to sketch before they are all gone. Hugs and a happy weekend to you :)

  23. Love your artwork and your lovely writing. What a treat to read your wonderful blog!!

  24. A beautifully written post Debbie - love your autumn paintings - how quickly the year is passing. We are having a spell of lovely weather, warm T-shirt weather - I can't quite believe how mild it is - I sit here watching the sun come up in a lavender hazy sky - the window open and listening to the birds singing their autumn song.

  25. I can smell the cider,Debbie, Have a wonderful end of Oct. sending you a hug, love,Diana

  26. Hi Debbie! Your paintings are absolutely beautiful! I have no drawing or painting abilities so I always admire those that do :) Thank you for a lovely post.

    May you have a delightful weekend. Hugs to you!

  27. I can just barely see that squirrel of yours, but it looks like absolute perfection. Ah yes, cider sounds like a great idea.I hope we have the makings in the cupboard, as they are predicting a hint of snow today in our area!

  28. You certainly know how to create an atmosphere Debbie, sounds like a good place to be with you :-) You almost hide your watercolor , and I notice that it is not the first time, they are all truly beautiful and you should show them with pride ! Hugs.

  29. Nice autumn treasures to close out October. We have a definite chill in the air here and some color finally on the trees. Happy end of October!

  30. Hola Debbie: He recorrido tu espacio y me encantan tus trabajos y tus cálidas palabras, que tengas un otoño acogedor y tambien te agradezco tus visitas a mi blog. Un afectuoso saludo!!!!

  31. What a delightful post, Debbie. I am glad to see November arrive but hate to see the colors of October go. You painting of the goldfinch, acorn and leaves is so beautiful. The squirrel looks good but was cleverly covered so only part of it showed. maybe not finished yet?
    May your November be off to a good start for you, and those you love.

  32. I'm just catching up on your last few posts Debbie and what a delight they are! I loved seeing the leaves and berries you gathered - so much beauty in the simple things! I love your paintings - so loose and pretty - and so evocative of the season. I love seeing your Autumn photos as our Autumns are nowhere near as distinctive as yours. Also it is nice to see the contrast while we are enjoying our spring flowers and spring weather. Your post on remembering to enjoy the journey rather than the destination is very inspiring and perfectly illustrated with your wonderful photography! I hope you're enjoying a cosy weekend!


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