Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Autumn's Collection

 Some of autumn's collection sits on my studio table.  It is waiting to be sketched and painted.

   When I go for walks this time of the year there are  many things underfoot that find their way indoors.  

                                                                                                            Leaves of different species, berries, and  nuts are just a few of the mementos gathered.    They are rich in texture as well as color.                                                              
All are a wonderful source of inspiration.

What makes this type of collection special is when it fades there is generally more to be found.  That is if the squirrels have not gathered up all the nuts!

  Are any of you gathering some of autumn's collection?   If so - hope you will share.  

Have  a wonderful day - God Bless!


  1. I look at your photos, and it is like looking at my desk :) Yes, I am collecting, too. It is so lovely to head out on a walk and be able to see and take home these small treasures.

  2. Hi Debbie, I haven't collected any this year. Well, I lost (rather, accidentally left) my camera on the bus in May, 5 months ago, and nobody turned it in to the lost and found, so I haven't taken any photos since last May. :(

    Yours are lovely, thanks so much for sharing them. :)

  3. You are so like me. I'm just like the squirrels gathering nuts to paint or place in little dishes which I have as autumns decorations in the home. I emptied my pockets onto a table outside & next morning they gone, some little animal must have thought it was a take away, I wish we had a camera set up to take night shots, like they use for the geographical programmes we see on TV then I'd know who the little thief was. Enjoy your autumn painting, I hope we'll get to see some.

  4. Glad it isn't only me who collects leaves at this time of year. I love all these colours in your collection.

  5. Thank you for another wonderful post
    Gathering. Even the word has a comfy autumn feel. Sketching outdoor finds brought indoors sounds like a good way to spend part of the day. This year I notice a favorite oak tree has smaller but numerous acorns. I'll try to pick up some good specimens when I take a walk today.

  6. Yet another autumn Debbie. Where does the time go? Fab collection for your autumnal studies and your sketches are lovely. So were your ACEO's further down. Keep enjoying those gorgeous autumn colours. xx

  7. Beautiful colors, thank you for sharing your treasures. Fall is such a wonderful time of year isn't it? I hope to get out soon and take some photos myself.

  8. I love seeing your collection and the accompanying sketches. It is a great time of year to use our earth tones too! I brought in some neat branches,leaves and pine cones, I will let my husband know it's not just me! ;-

  9. Your paintings of the autumn's beauty is as magnificent as the originals.

  10. Good day Debbie, you have a wonderful collection of the season's finest treasures. I found some surprises yesterday also. Even with all the rain there is beauty. Enjoy your day!

  11. A wonderful collection for the perfect still life...Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year to collect "colors" all over our yard...

  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this! I even brought back acorns and rose petals from California. Even if I don't sketch them, just looking at them gives me pleasure.

  13. I see beautiful colors of autumn in your collection. I can see God's hands in them. Really marvelous to see. God bless always.

  14. oh yes this is definitely my favorite time of year for gathering and sketching, i love all the little treasures you found.

  15. Your desk could be exchanged for mine and no one could tell the difference! I have all kinds of leaves and seed scattered about. Scattering courtesy of the cats, of course!

  16. I love the photos of your autumn treasures. I haven't collected any yet...and it has been too wet here the last few days to collect anything except water. lol Hopefully over the weekend I can get outside a bit. Enjoy!

  17. Oh yes I always collect some colorful red leaves meaning to paint them which in the end I never do , but I enjoyed seeing your small watercolors , they are lovely ! Wish you a nice weekend. Hugs.

  18. Going for a walk is a joy at this time of year - so much to see if you keep your head down - shuffling through leaves, crunching over nut cases, watching leaves tumble - who can resist picking up leaves of gold that cheer a grey day.

  19. Well, I'm not surprised to see you gathering all these small items! Nothing gets loss must be is one of your motto. And what pleasant things to paint when you get some time free. I do the same and put all kinds of leaves between pages of a heavy book. Good weekend Debbie

  20. I love your collections. I miss acorns. None around here. They are so precious with their little caps. Very rainy here so in my studio I go. Have a wonderful weekend friend.

  21. Lovely gathering! My gatherings tend to be photos - colorful trees, haybales, old barns, farmer'smarkets ... memories indeed!!

  22. A lovely autumn collection, Debbie! Aren't they nice to paint, I collected some leaves today too!

  23. I'm a collector too! My treasure boxes contain shells, bits of frosted glass, butterflies, dragonflies, (I don't kill them; I just keep the ones I find that are already dead), fossils, rocks, bird's nest, dead beetles, lizard skeletons, and on and on. Also collect books... found a first edition of "The Moorchild" for just $7 on eBay, SIGNED by Eloise Jarvis McGraw, arrived yesterday, had to sit down and read it (again), so neat to have her actual signature, one of my favorite authors --- Enjoy your collection!

  24. Beautiful photos and paintings Debbie! We have had a glorious autumn, it sadly is coming to a close and most of the leaves are down. It is such a lovely season though.

  25. Oh you know I am, each day I find an autumn treasure! Love yours, Diana


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