Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Visit

Yesterday someone paid me a visit.


                                              I served him up some of these vittles.

He just might become a frequent visitor.

Hope you  will too.
Have a Blessed Sunday!    


  1. Lovely photos, Debbie! These are my favourite kind of visitors! :)

  2. I am sure he will be back to visit many times, just like me!

  3. Ha HA Oh I do love his pose ~ great capture :)

  4. Wonderful - love to see the bushy tail. We enjoy one who visits every morning. We see him through the patio door -jumping in and out of the plant-pots. Never thought of feeding him. If he is still around in the winter, I definitely will. Enjoy your week.
    Many blessings, friend.

  5. Well, I'll be... Guess what Debbie... Yesterday I was coming out of Britt's house and I heard a SMACK!
    It was a squirrel that had jumped off the top of the house and landed on the ground, right next to me.
    It looked like he was trying to jump to the tree straight ahead, but missed.. Smack on the ground! But he was fine, scurried up the next tree... Looked just like this little guy.
    Wishing you a beautiful week.

  6. We have a black walnut tree in our alley and the neighbors have one, so we always have squirrels. they are comical to watch. Hope you had a relaxing day.

  7. I would be coming around as well, Debbie! Beautiful photos...

  8. Oh how gorgeous Debbie! I love the position you caught him in! I bet he'll appreciate your generous offering! Love the cloud photo too!

  9. I'm sure he will be back, he got a nice welcome after all.

  10. How nice you were able to catch him on camera. I'm sure he'll back for more acorns served specially for him & for you to enjoy,

  11. Squirrels are so cute!! I spent a few minutes chatting with one in a tree not too long ago.

  12. You've probably made a friend for life!

  13. I think you know how to make friends Debbie! Have a memorable day! :)

  14. Such a cute picture of that guy!!!

  15. Lovely!
    Its funny when then hang from a tree trunk like that. Good luck finding nuts in the woods. I hope a chestnut tree is nearby.

  16. so cute, we sometimes feed the squirrels peanuts, they love burying them everywhere.

  17. Adorable! I think as long as the victuals are they, he will be there, too :)

  18. He looks full of energy, they are fun to watch! Have a great week, Debbie!

  19. What a sweet little chap you have there, and giving him nuts will make him a friend that will come for more....I'm sure :-)

  20. What a cutie. My visitor last night was a bear at about 1:45 AM. Scared the puppies (they were in my studio sleeping)he was just outside the window. Then the coyotes showed up at 3:30AM howling away. Hope tonight is not another wild kingdom night. I need a nap.LOL

  21. Hello Debbie
    Your squirrel is delightful and he has his eyes firmly fixed on your acorns!
    We don't have squirrels in New Zealand - I wish we did as they are so cute!
    Thank you for visiting me.

  22. What a lovely visitor, Debbie, hope he'll be back soon!


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