Sunday, December 1, 2013


Welcome December!  You bring such lovely gifts.    Decorations...songs of joy...

snow covered hills...

and best of all the Christmas story ... the good news...."Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord."   Luke 1: 11 (NIV)

May all of you enjoy this beautiful month!   God Bless!


  1. So true, and what beautiful pictures. Enjoy this Blessed Season!
    Many Blessings. Wendy

  2. Have you finished decorating already? I haven't started! The photos are lovely. And the snow in the previous post! Oh! That's beautiful!

  3. A very beautiful and heartwarming post, Debbie. God bless you...and thank you!

  4. It is a wonderful month, great reminder of why we are celebrating! Many blessings to you!

  5. Fabulous post! And we have received the greatest Gift, haven't we?

  6. Hi Debbie! The last month of the year and so very important in many ways. All the preparations, the excitement , the family gatherings,helping others in these times of need also, and finally Christmas it self , a celebration of life. So many things to be thankful for. Enjoy! Hugs

  7. Hi Debbie, beautiful post. It looks like we have almost as much snow as you do since it snowed overnight here. My grandson and his Nordic Ski team at school will be happy for sure. They have been waiting to get started. I need to start putting up my little white lights. They make the house look so cozy and warm. Enjoy your day.

  8. A magical month, so very special , lovely post Debbie ! xoxo

  9. So beautiful, I can't believe December is already here, it's such a fun, festive time, Happy Holidays to you Debbie :)

  10. December is one of my favourite months. I love it because of Christmas.

  11. November seems to have flown by. I can't believe it is December...well, maybe I can because I'm Christmas shopping like crazy. lol Enjoy the treats and the message of the holiday season!

  12. Debbie, my daughter invited me to tour Winterfair this weekend in Columbus. Are you familiar with that event? It sounds nice...

  13. Celebrating all that matters and looking to the year ahead with treasured memories shared with those we love as another year passes

  14. So nice to meet you Debbie... What a beautiful post.. Thank you so much for your visit and most kind words.. I am so happy you found me through Jeri's wonderful part of the world.. She is one amazing woman, and a dear friend.
    Wishing you a wonderful Holiday..
    Thank you for following along with me, I am a new follower of yours.

  15. Your blog is beautiful, Debbie; I am so glad to have found it via your comment on the Crimson Leaves blog Sherry writes. You have a gift with photos and expressing lovely thoughts as well as in your lively sketches and paintings. I LOVE seeing the view from Harmony Hills. Thank you.

  16. And may God Bless you this season, dear Deb!

  17. I love the coziness here Deb.
    Blessing to you .

  18. This is a very good season to count our blessings! Wonderful images and the verse really says it all! ~ Diane


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