Sunday, June 30, 2013


Like many of you we have had storms these past few days.   Some have come suddenly without any warning.   Others we would hear rumbles in the distance and catch sight of lightening bolts.  We knew to seek shelter they were coming.
So it is in life.    Sometimes we have no indication that a storm is on its way.   Other times there are countless warning signs.    Ignoring those dark skies and turbulent clouds may mean one is caught 
in the midst of it all.
I appreciate the warnings. They allow me time to look up...  Time to reach a safe haven... 
Time to pause and acknowledge that I am not in control...

He Is!

 Hope you all stay safe during this stormy season!   
                                                                       God Bless!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Unexpected Visitor

While I was on vacation an unexpected visitor stopped by.  I had been painting outdoors.  It was one of those days out of time.  A perfect afternoon to do something one loves.  



Larkspur and pansies were blooming in the garden.  They begged to be painted.  
How could I resist?

Taking a brief moment to step back I caught sight of my winged friend.   He had lit on my practice page.   He seemed intent on checking out the colors .   Wonder if he approved?  

Normally I have to sneak up slowly to catch these flying flowers on film.   Not this one.   He was quite happy to pose.   So glad to have my camera close at hand.

Maybe he will be my next subject to paint.

Hope you are enjoying these visitors too.  Have a great day.
                 God Bless!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A lovely package!

While I was on vacation a lovely package arrived.   This beautiful painting was done by my blogging friend Celia.   I was honored to have been the winner of her spring give away.   You can visit her blog and see more of her lovely art at  Celia Blanco.   Please pay her a visit.  

It is matted and framed and hanging in a special place in my home.   Thank you Celia for making my vacation even more special with this wonderful gift.

I am trying to catch up on emails and all the posts I missed.   Will be stopping by to visit you all soon.  Take care and have a blessed evening!  

Saturday, June 15, 2013


I am taking a little vacation.   My two friends think it is time for a little rest.  I agree.   Will  be back soon!   In the meantime take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Making Marks

As an artist I enjoy making marks.  There are many tools one can use to form a line, make a shape or create a symbol.   Sometimes those marks can become a thing of beauty...others may be a dot, squiggle, doodle or simply a scratch on a blank piece of paper.

So it is with people.  Some leave small impressions while others large.

My husband and I lost someone special last week.   Martin was one of those rare individuals  
who never knew a stranger.   Everyone was his friend.

He was a disabled Vietnam veteran who loved God, family and his country.  Physically Martin struggled with a bad heart and other serious health issues.   Spiritually he was strong in his faith and values.

As an usher at our church Martin greeted everyone with a big smile, a twinkle in his blue eyes and for some of us... a hug!

In the brief years we knew him Martin battled death many times.   He never dwelled on his infirmities...he lived each day in a state of gratitude.  The smallest things became wonderful when he spoke of them.  He truly had learned how to be content in whatever circumstance came his way.

Each of us will make our marks on the pages of time.   Martin made his and I will make mine and you will make yours...may they become a thing of great beauty.   God Bless! 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week-end pleasures

This week-end found me enjoying the pleasures that warm weather brings.
The yellow finches are frequent visitors at the feeders.  They are stunning to see.  I love having my morning coffee while these fine feathered friends munch their breakfast.  

It is delightful to have time to relax and just watch them as they go about their daily business.


Speaking of relaxing...

Hubby and I took the motorcycle for a lovely ride this afternoon.    We stopped at the Old Stagecoach Inn.   It was established in 1822.   Once it was a resting place for weary travelers.  Now it serves good food.   On some week-ends they have entertainment in the evening.   Local musicians gather and play old favorites.  They have a walk-up window that is open in the summer.   Cold drinks and ice cream are available.   

Today we opted for ice cream!  There are tables along the street where one can sit and watch the local traffic go by.   A great place to stop and take a few minutes to savor the past.

 Bird watching, motorcycle ride, beautiful weather, and ice cream...

                                            life doesn't get much better than this!

Thank you for letting me share my week-end pleasures...hope you had some too!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


This afternoon I took a walk.   Thought you might enjoy a few of my findings.

A lovely butterfly resting in a shady nook ...

Some cattle grazing on a near by hillside...

Roses waiting to be picked...

Scented peonies dancing in the breeze...
and last but not least... 
two friends taking a break!   
Hope you enjoyed my findings!     Have a great day!     

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Finding the time!

 It has been a challenge finding the time to paint these past few weeks.
The garden needs so much attention this time of the year.
Now that everything is planted, weeded and mulched the brushes can get busy.
Garden Journal
These two pages were quickly sketched the last day of May.
I picked some multi-flora rose growing in our field.   It has a sweet fragrance and makes a great subject for sketching.
Looking forward to adding a few more pages in June to the garden journal.
Hope all of you are finding time to do the things you love.
Thanks for stopping by.   God bless!


Seeing this lovely violet patch blooming reminded me that I had been wanting to gather a few.   Many years ago I had candied some to decorat...