Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A morning frolic

I am
ready for my morning frolic.   Even though there is a light dusting of snow it matters not.
The dawn is here and there is fun to be had!

The garden looks like a good place to explore.   Perhaps I will find a bone hidden there.
 I think I would rather have a run instead.
Mornings can be such a delight!
Hope yours is too.
Thanks for the visit!


  1. The mornings I do not need to rush out to school are the best. I adore walking around the garden, a cup of coffee in hand and Willie roaming. But more often then not it is off to school I find myself running. I do hope you are having a good week. Bonnie

  2. I love the morning, nothing like the fresh morning air and a strong cup of coffee! Now the birds are singing and it is starting to sound like spring even though we have snow too. I am glad you had some time to frolic with the pups, we all need to play now and then!

  3. The pups looking for a bone with the barn off in the distance is a grand picture. They seem to be having a great time....doing what dogs like to do best. I love the colors of your painting...very nice.

  4. That lovely colour and serenity of dawn. You can just sense the joyful anticipation of those pups -- adorable!

  5. Love your pictures and your painting is so pretty! Cute pictures of the dogs.

  6. All lovely pics. Seems your winter is as long as ours.

  7. I love how dogs can find joy in the simplest things. Good lesson for us all.
    Lovely painting, too :) xx

  8. Oh to have such a morning!! What a divine start to any day!

  9. Good Morning, Debbie! What a beautiful pic of your doggies and the early morn! I love that time of day...right before the sun starts coming seems magical! I too, love the barn in the background and the pics of your sleeping garden. What a beautiful scene to wake up to every day! Happy Resurrection/Easter Sunday! Blessings~~~Roxie

  10. Good morning Debbie, Your dogs are adorable together. T

  11. That floral painting is gorgeous! It has such richness and depth of feeling. Mmm!
    Do your dogs behave differently when there is snow? Mine does! He lays in it and licks it, or sticks his nose into the biggest drifts he can find. Maybe we should all try going out for the morning romp in the snow too?

  12. Good morning! You have a pair of very happy dogs! What a fine lesson in just being thankful for exactly what we have-dogs are so good at that!

    Happy Easter my dear...

  13. It seems the dawn is so cold with that snow on the ground. But I guess the dogs are just so happy to be out there. Your painting is beautiful. God bless and happy easter,Debbie.

  14. How strange that you still have snow and here it feels as if summer is already here. Have a Happy Easter Debbie.

  15. Lovely winter garden photographs. I'm not surprised they want to go and play out there. Have a wonderful Easter.

  16. Looks like your pups are having a wonderful time! Have a wonderful Easter, Debbie.



  17. Debbie, Shelby has grown so much. I can see it. Such a sweetheart. and your big doggie too. Wishing you a Blessed Easter, my friend, love to you,Diana

  18. Lovely morning photos and stunning flower painting ! Wishing you a serene Easter . xx


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