Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Sunday Afternoon Ride...

It was a perfect afternoon for a bike ride.  The sun was shining and the day had warmed up a bit.   We rode to a place that is nestled in the hills of our county.   It is where every year in October they have a festival.  It started out as a small affair but has grown over the years to where hundreds of folks come.

When we were in high school it was just a barn dance with a few locals getting together.   Now there is Barbecued Chicken, Art, Weaving, Music, Pancakes, Sauerkraut, etc.  Vendors from all around bring their arts and crafts.  In the autumn it is a photagrapher's paradise.
The Grounds 

The Farm House

The School House

(this is where I displayed my first pen and ink - won a blue ribbon- was thrilled)

When we arrived today we were greeted by the welcoming committee!
My Honey
Guess Who

It was a lovely afternoon.  Glad you could come along.

Hope you enjoyed the ride!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Little Bit of This - a Little of That...

Hi - come on in and visit a bit.   We have been rather bored.  Delighted you stopped by.

Oh Hello - Glad you Stopped For A Visit!
It has been a rainy dismal day and we need some sunshine!  I think our mistress has put the coffee on - smells like a Yuky Hazelnut Brew - {the Master is definitely not fond of it} and neither are we.  For some silly reason she likes a cup every now and again.  There is just no accounting for taste these days.

Speaking of taste - she (the mistress) cooked up something new - ramps - now who ever heard of such a thing. The Mr. and Mrs. both thought they were excellent fare.  They chose not to share with us which was quite fine.  The smell left much to be desired.  I believe she cooked them with a few potatoes and served them with Sausage - {we would have liked the sausage}.

A work in Progress
Studies from nature
Early this morning we visited Madam in her studio - she was busy sketching and painting and paid no attention to us.   When she gets in her "zone" we must be still or she will shoo us away.  So silly this painting and drawing she does.  Seems to make her happy.  She turns on a bit of music and starts to sing and in a certain way she leaves us.   We are not quite sure where she goes.   "The lights are on - but no one is home."
She eventually will return and we will get something to eat.  Until she arrives though we have to be good!

Hurry Back!
Very Happy you stopped by - thank you for bringing us a bit of Sunshine!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I AM Celebrating...

I am celebrating tonight -  this is my 26th post.  There have been times I wasn't sure what I was going to write.  Then something one of you would share or say would inspire me and I would find my way.

With my first 25 posts behind me I am captivated with this blogging thing.  Most of all I am grateful to each and everyone of you who have read and commented and shared your passions, heart aches and inspirations with me.   So to speak you all have been the "Wind Beneath My Wings".  (In the beginning they may have been chicken wings).

This celebration is not about me - it is about You!  I have enjoyed your art, creativity, thoughts on life, travels, pics of family and friends, funnies that make me smile, and most importantly your generosity in taking the time to share your life.  From the bottom of my heart Thank You.

I am looking forward to the next 25 posts (I have ordered a book from the library on HTML)  YEEKS....I MAY FINALLY FIGURE OUT HOW TO PUT THINGS WHERE I WANT THEM.

To all my new friends - God Bless!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Color my World Green...

The color of my world is green today - tomorrow according to the weather forecast it may be white!    Ah just when we thought winter was done with us. 

Quiet weekend here at Harmony Hills.   I had some time in my studio and was able to work on a pen and ink with watercolor wash.

I am not quite finished with it - need to bring out the violets a bit in some spots and add just a shade more burnt orange on the body of the butterfly - working with greens is always a bit difficult for me. (As I stated a few posts back).   Thought I would try using a bit of a different combo this time.  I chose to mix phthalo blue with Hansa Yellow light for a cooler shade of green as well as a bit of phthalo green mixed with gold quinacridone for a warmer green.

Violets are one of my favorite posies.   They make me think of spring, woodlands. and the wee ones that inhabit the places they thrive.  Speaking of places for the wee ones to live - check out this hollow.    The pileated woodpeckers are here for a visit.  They are busy creating a magical place for woodland creatures to live.   I just wish they were not doing it in my yard.  Does look like a good nook for something small to curl up and hide.  If I see anything with wings flitting to and fro I will let you know.
Thanks for stopping by - hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow.   God Bless!

PS - let me know if you see any tiny folks hiding in your trees!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Where I Go to Create

Thought I would share some pics of where I go to create.   Just like a great many of you I started out painting in my kitchen.  When my hubby realized that I was serious about this art thing, he promptly purchased me an artist table and chair.  (That is one of the many reasons I love this man of mine - he is always looking for a way to spoil me.)   He helped me rearrange things in the spare bedroom and create a space for my growing art supplies. (Who can resist the latest art toys!)

A place to Work
A Place to rest 
Some pretties to inspire
I confess that it doesn't look this tidy all the time but I wanted it to look its best for when you stopped to visit.  Hope you will share your creative spaces as well.

Thanks for coming by - God Bless!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thoughts of You...

My thoughts are of you tonight Grandma.  Mama bought me some lovely pansies to plant and as always I plant them in memory of you and your love. 

Still miss you after all these years.   I know you are smiling down from heaven and that makes me smile too.
I'll be seeing you!
Goodnight and God Bless! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Furry Feline

A few days ago I was out taking some pics of the azaleas.  They had just started blooming.  Smokey seemed to think he needed his picture taken as well.  I can count on him to be in the middle of whatever I am doing.  He has a way of knowing how to get my attention.  Thought these photos would make you smile.   They do me!

What is she doing ?
Better check this out!

See I knew you wanted my photo!

Hope all you who visit have a great weekend.  Keep Smiling!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


My posies have a bit of snow on them.   How fickle the weather is these days.   I think that is just the nature of spring.   One day it is here and the next it hides. We know it will soon come around again . 

I have taken a day's vacation to take my Mom to a special place for lunch.   It is about fifty miles south of here called "Raven's Glen Winery".  It has a lovely view along the river.   They grow their grapes near by. 

We will have a fun day I am sure.  Most likely we will make a stop in Amish country.  There is always something lovely and interesting to see.

I have been revisiting Carl Purcell's book the "Artist's Brain".  He teaches you to see with your visual part of the brain instead of your intellectual.  I find it very helpful with drawing and painting.   I  often find myself focusing on the details instead of the larger shapes.  I would recommend this book to anyone struggling with drawing.

Hope you all have a good evening.   God Bless!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter !  I've been cooking today instead of painting.  My Mom will turn 74 tomorrow.  The family will gather here not only for the holiday but to celebrate her birthday.  I try to bake something special every year for this occasion.   Decided to make a lemon dessert roll.  Gathered some sweet violets and sugared them for decoration.

Enjoy creating every day whether it is is in the studio or the kitchen, or garden.   I think making something or adding a special touch to an otherwise mundane task feeds the soul. 

The lovely azaleas that grow by the deck are out in full array.   It is so wonderful to see the flowers blooming for Easter.   One never knows what to expect this time of the year.   We are blessed.

May Your Easter be blessed as well.  Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Joy versus Happiness

Been pondering the difference between happiness and joy.  Happiness seems a bit fickle.  It buzzes in when the " sun shines" and buzzes out "when it starts to rain".  Joy on the other hand will surprise us.  Happiness leaves us wanting more.  Joy gives contentment.   It can be found in a stranger's smile, a loved one's hug, warm memories shared with a friend, a lovely sunset, a single tulip, a job well done, an encouraging word, a prayer, a creative moment, a song.  It is found in a life well lived. 

Hope all of you are surprised today with joy!


Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Hosanna" the flowers shout!

Smokey Ambling Along the Garden Path

Thank you for stopping by on this lovely afternoon.   My flowers are shouting Hosanna!

I came across the meaning of this word the other day - it is a Hebrew expression "Save".  Hope all your flowers are shouting Hosanna!   God Bless  and happy Palm Sunday!


 The sweetness of September settles softly in my soul.  Seeing the leaves begin to change - watching a swallowtail enjoy a bit of sustenance...