Sunday, November 18, 2012


Rising early I watched Him paint the sky.  He brushed the horizon with a frosty sigh.
Then he spread a rosy hue and a glaze of purest blue.


Bending behind the wooded hill He lifted up a light

and sent it to the earth below 
    Humbly I bowed my head.  I had witnessed a moment divine...the art of  the Master's design.

                                            Hope you enjoyed the sun's rise.
                                                           Have a great day!


  1. What more can be said, the original artist!

  2. beautiful!! he inspires! and adds hope.....

  3. Beautiful~Enjoyed watching the Sun come up! We had a lovely day! Let us pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem, Israel! I believe we are starting to see a prophetic fullfillment of the BIBLE with these current attacks on Israel! GOD BLESS and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Roxie

  4. Beautiful photos to go with those beautiful words.

  5. I love lifting my eyes up to the hills....A beautiful post, Debbie. Such a lovely way to start my day!

  6. Thanks for sharing your sunrise. It gives a feeling of peace.

  7. A beautiful and poetic post...I truly enjoyed it.:)

  8. What a sight ! Gorgeous shots.

  9. I've always felt that there is no painting anybody could ever do to truly capture the awesome grandeur of a sunset and the humbleness we feel in its presence. But your camera did a fantastic job of preserving those special moments. I hope you can enjoy many more beautfiul sunsets, and show them to us!

  10. Thank you, Debbie, for such gorgeous, inspiring words and pictures.

  11. Oh how absolutely beautiful - both the photos and the prose.

  12. Thank you for sharing your poetry and your photos - gorgeous! I didn't see the sunrise this morning and have been in a seriously crabby mood for days. Need to remember to be thankful for something and not be so critical. And what can make an old crab thankful but friends who blog and the sunrise that is this beautiful, shared from your home to mine! Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Very beautiful collection! Fantastic pictures!


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