Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bulb Planting

 These boxes arrived the other day.  Inside there were daffodils and tulips.  They will make such a lovely show once the snow melts and the sun warms the earth.    
  There is something amazing about these misshapen bulbs.  They will sleep through the coldest winter tucked beneath the ground.    Then when spring arrives they awaken to dance. 
Every autumn I plant a new variety of daffodils.   This year High Society, Fidelity, and Sound have been added to the collection.   John Scheepers has a wonderful selection.   Their packaging is always well marked.
Tulips here in Ohio need to be replaced almost every year.   There are a few that will survive a couple of seasons but generally I plant new ones each fall.   The Darwin are the best for being perennial.  Even so unless one digs them up after blooming they tend to get small and may only return another spring.
Daffodils on the other hand given some bonemeal in the fall will remain faithful friends for years to come.    

Well I had better get busy planting these beauties before the snow flies.   Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a delight your garden will be in the Spring. Bulbs don't do well here as we have clay soil which proves heavy for them to break through - I have some in a tub though and they are already showing their shoots - way too early. Betty

  2. Quite an interesting post. I once planted lilac bushes all around my yard and then put bonemeal at their base. I figured it sounded like a gardener type of thing to do so I did it. Killed 'em all, I did.

  3. I LOVE TULIPS and DAFFODILS! This post reminded me I NEED To be planting some now!! I would love to see a posting of these in the SPRING! PLEASE DO! AUTUMN and SPRING are my FAV times of year! Do you mix colors together or keep same colors together? Can't wait to see more of your garden~~~~you have a blessed week! Roxie

  4. You have a lot of planting to do there ! Here most Tulips bloom only ones too, and instead of planting the bulbs myself I have decided to by them in small pots when they are ready to open, it doesn't cost more, and I save my back :-)) Either way your garden will look fabulous in Spring...please show us the photos ! xx

  5. Maybe next year I'll do the same...I do love spring flowers, and there's something very cozy about planting and anticipating the springtime.

  6. Oooh!!! I want to visit you when they start coming up!

  7. Hi Deb!! Thank you for your visit and kind comments! What a marvelous blog you have here! Happy tulip planting -- looks like you have your work cut out for you!!! LOL


  8. I love daffodils and any other flower that grows from a bulb. Over here most of them come back year after year - so it makes it easy on us.

  9. Can' wait to see them next spring!

  10. These will be gorgeous! almost like planting a surprise. love to you,Debbie,Diana

  11. looking forward to your Spring surprise as they grow and bloom.


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