Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Neighbors!

Yes we have new neighbors.  They moved in across the road about a month ago.   They speak in a foreign tongue.   The most common sound is "Hee-Haw Hee Haw".   I have to admit when I first heard them I thought a cow was in distress.

Having grown up on a farm we had the usual array of peaceful bovine, pigs, chickens, sheep, and ponies.   I never had the privilege in getting to know these four legged type.   They appear friendly.   In fact both were more than willing to have their photo snapped. 


 One must not be put off by appearances.   They may not be the loveliest of animals but there is a certain charm to them.

   Sarge just hasn't found it.   Whenever they're about he is quick to let me know they are still strangers to him.    Hope this will pass soon.   In the meantime I think I will have to gather some apples and welcome them to the neighborhood.   Who knows they may become dear friends of mine!

Hope you enjoyed the view today...take care and have a great holiday week-end!


  1. Congratulations!
    I love donkeys. Their personalities are so old man cigarish, sort of like cats with big ears.

  2. Isn't Sarge noble! Love the sketch. Haven't spent anytime around donkeys-looking forward to your posts about them. Hope they're friendly but who wouldn't love the lady toting apples?

  3. Great sketch - and I see these charming donkeys showing up in future paintings :) Sarge will get used to them, I'm sure.

  4. Really good sketch. Is it from something on your property?
    The donkeys are adorable, Yes I know I'm blind, and Sarge?
    What can I say except that he's so handsome , (and he knows it! ) hugs BJ

  5. The donkeys are beautiful, hope Sarge gets used to them soon.
    The sketch is gorgeous xx

  6. Oh I think they are beautiful! I'd have been over there petting them for sure. Sarge would have had to come with me to see that they are not a threat. Love your drawing too, Debbie!

  7. Oh I absolutely love donkeys. I think they look so cute and gentle. They always look friendly too.

  8. They look like fun neighbors! I like that sketch. Were you looking down at it? I like the view.

  9. Love your new negihbors and remember that Sarge is just doing his job and being protective of his humans (he is beaautiful by the way). The sketch is terrific!

  10. AW Sarge is so regal and quite handsome. I am sure you can win your new neighbors over with apples. They are so cute.

  11. Iment to tell you your sketch is so well done. Is it on your property?


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